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时间:2018-09-11 11:04来源:毕业论文

关键词  智能车 传感器 局部路径规划 自主导航
Title     Local Path Planning Method of Intelligent Vehicle  
Local path planning is a basic research area of autonomous navigation of intelligent vehicle. Paper aims to talk about obstacle avoidance and path planning technology with intelligent vehicle, to explore the perception technology, information fusion technology and other related technologies. Intelligent vehicle          with multi-sensor common mode perceives the environment, and the obtained information will be integrated. the intelligent vehicle is modeled based on Ackerman principle and environment surrounding is modeled by grid method, and using the normalized edge strategy for dealing with random obstacles.The traditional  beam curvature method is improved and proposed a new motion planning method with the unstructured road environment based on grids represented, It not only inherited the susceptibility of traditional method avoidance performance and reduced the volatility of the target heading ,but also achieved rapid,stable and smooth road driving in unstructured environment. Finally experiments confirmed the research results of situational awareness unit and path planning algorithm are effective and accurate.
Keywords   intelligent vehicle, sensor, local path planning, autonomous navigation
目   次
1  绪论 1
2  智能车控制结构与运动学建模 5
2.1  智能车功能式控制体系结构  5
2.2  智能车的基本运动控制与建模 5
3  智能车环境感知系统与环境建模8
3.1 视觉信息传感器 8
3.2 非视觉信息传感器  9
3.3信息融合 11
4  改进的扇区—曲率算法 15
4.1 基于占用栅格的扇区构建  15
4.2 选择最优扇区  15
4.3安全扇区的计算  16
4.4道路边界约束下的速度计算 16
5  实验与仿真 18
结论 20
致谢  21
1.1  智能车现状说明
汽车智能化正在成为所有汽车企业寻求升级之路的关键出口,在国外,互联网企业参与汽车研究与制造并不是什么新闻,例如苹果公司推出汽车操作系统,与一些国际知名汽车品牌联手;今年年初,奥迪最新研发的代号为“Jack”的自动驾驶概念汽车亮相拉斯文加斯的CES(International Consumer Electronics Show),顿时惊艳四座;目前,谷歌毫无疑问是自动驾驶技术方面走得最远的科技企业。作为自动驾驶领域的先驱,经过多年的探索研究,它设计的全球首款全自动无人驾驶汽车样车今年将驶上街头,在复杂的城市道路环境下进行测试。大幅度降低因人为失误引起的交通事故发生率是谷歌研发无人驾驶汽车的一大初衷,它认为无人驾驶汽车比有人驾驶的汽车安全性更高。同时全自动无人驾驶汽车几乎承担了司机所有的驾驶任务,使人们的出行更加安全、舒适、方便和快捷。 智能车局部路径规划方法研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_22902.html