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时间:2018-08-15 11:28来源:毕业论文

关键词  图像匹配  SIFT算法  Android   标签推荐
Title    Image Tag Recommendation System for Mobile Platform                 
With the popularity of social networks and the popularity of smart mobile terminals, more and more users prefer to taking advantage of intelligent terminal to shoot images and share their own image information, such as food, landscapes, etc. However, due to the increasing number of images and the limitation of the screen size of the mobile terminal, it makes the management of mobile terminal image resources very difficult. On the one hand, it is too large to complete the project of manually tagging massive images; on the other hand, putting tags on a image is very inconvenient for a user in a mobile terminal. To this end, we study the image tag recommendation problem of mobile terminals, combine digital image processing technology features with mobile intelligent terminal characteristics, design and implement the image tag recommendation system suitable for mobile terminals, which automatically recommends relevant tags for the images of mobile terminals and facilitate a user to classify and manage image resources.
Keywords  Image matching  SIFT algorithm  Android  Label recommendation
目   录    I
1  绪论    1
1.1  课题研究背景与意义    1
1.2  国内外研究状况    1
1.3  本文的研究内容    3
1.4  本文的组织结构    3
2  Android 基本知识    4
3  图像标签推荐算法介绍与实现    5
3.1  SIFT算法介绍    5
3.2  图像标签推荐系统算法实现    5
4  移动终端的图像标签推荐系统设计与实现    7
4.1  图片标签推荐系统需求分析    7
4.2  图片标签推荐系统总体设计    9
4.3  图片标签推荐系统详细设计    10
5  系统测试    16
5.1  测试环境    16
5.2  功能测试    16
6  总结    27
6.1  论文总结    27
6.2  展望    27
致  谢    28
1  绪论
1.1  课题研究背景与意义
添加具有关键字特性的标签给资源,利用所加标签来进行网页导航和信息检索,当对关键字和信息资源进行检索时,使用标签会变得非常快速便捷,因此有必要研究如何为信息资源定义标签,进而研究避免手动添加标签的费时费力工作,即标签推荐。 Android移动终端SIFT算法的图像标签推荐系统设计:http://www.751com.cn/jisuanji/lunwen_21408.html