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时间:2021-01-06 20:30来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:出口模式; 对外贸易; 产业升级; 对策

Study on China's export model and industrial upgrading

Abstract: Because of the opening of the trade in the global background,developing country get chances to join the pision of the chain of globalization. Thus to perform its determined by the comparative advantage of resources endowment, at the same time the developing country can use trade and foreign direct investment and management experience to realize rapid and sustained development of domestic industry. But the existing trading mode especially export can improve China's current employment structure and support the domestic industrial structure upgrade, achieve a virtuous circle? So, to explore the problems of China's export model contains find solution has become a top priority.

Key words: The export model; Foreign trade; Industrial upgrading; Countermeasure

绪 论 1

一、我国出口模式与相关产业的概述 2

(一)贸易模式的涵义 2

(二)我国现存主要贸易模式的分类 2

1、加工贸易 2

2、对销贸易 3

3、一般贸易 3

(三)我国现存主要贸易模式比重 3

二、我国出口贸易所面临的问题 4

(一)人口红利消失 4

1、人口红利概念 4

2、人口红利消失 4

(二)产品附加值低 5

(三)缺乏自主品牌 5

1、我国自主品牌现状 5

2、缺乏自主品牌对我国出口贸易的影响 6

(四)频繁贸易摩擦 6

三、我国出口面临的机遇与挑战 7

(一)正面动力 7

1、外部需求上升 7

2、人民币贬值 7

3、改革开放红利 7

4、出口政策促进 8

5、自贸区协定推进 8

6、出口基数效应 8

(二)负面阻力 8

1、全球贸易低迷 8

2、外部汇率不稳 8

3、金融冲击余震 9

4、贸易结构待优 9

四、解决现存的出口问题的几点建议 10

(一)实现从加工贸易到一般贸易的转型 10

(二)从贴牌加工向自主产业过度 中国出口模式与产业升级的研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_67910.html
