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时间:2020-11-23 20:29来源:毕业论文

摘  要:苏州是丝绸的故乡,苏州宋锦在APEC会议上一夜成名,但面对如今复杂的国际经济形势,要想把苏州丝绸业在国际市场上做大做强,就要仔细分析苏州丝绸业的现状。本文首先从苏州丝绸出口贸易的现状出发,采用数据分析、案例研究以及对比分析的方法深入研究其生产现状、出口现状等出口贸易现状,根据分析提出苏州丝绸业在出口贸易上存在的技术水平和品牌建设等问题,最后结合苏州丝绸业所具备的优势和所面临的压力,并根据上述问题逐一提出苏州丝绸业在国际上如何寻求生存和发展的相应对策。59815


Abstract: Suzhou is the hometown of silk and the Song Brocades became an overnight sensation during the APEC meeting. However, under the current complicated international economic situation, to make the silk industry bigger and stronger in the international market, we have to analyze the current situation of the silk industry in Suzhou carefully. Starting from the present situation of the export trade of the silk in Suzhou, this paper made a deep research on the production status, export situation and other export trade conditions with the methods such as data analysis, case study and comparative analysis method. According to the analysis, it puts forward some problems in the silk industry in Suzhou related to the technical level and brand construction. Finally, it proposed some corresponding countermeasures one by one about how to seek survival and development on the international level, according to the above questions and the advantages of the silk industry in Suzhou and its pressure it is confronted with. 

Keywords: Suzhou, silk, international market, technical level, brand construction

目 录

1  引言 3

文献综述 3

3  苏州丝绸的发展现状 4

3.1  苏州丝绸的生产现状 5

3.2  苏州丝绸的出口现状 6

4  苏州丝绸出口贸易存在的问题 7

4.1  技术进步缓慢,产品以低端为主 7

4.2  市场竞争混乱 8

4.3  品牌建设滞后 8

4.4  国外消费者偏好问题 9

5  苏州丝绸出口贸易的发展建议 10

5.1  增强技术水平,发挥苏州竞争优势,提高产品档次 10

5.2  加强苏州政府对企业管理,改善出口贸易竞争环境 10

5.3  加强品牌的培育和建设力度,打造创新性知名品牌 11

5.4  关注国际丝绸动态,满足国外消费者需求 11

结论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

1  引言


苏州丝绸从隋唐时期开始就出现了出口贸易,在历史上苏州丝绸有辉煌过,也因为世界经济大萧条和世界大战而遭受过重创。具有“丝绸之都”之称的苏州建立了国内第一个丝绸档案馆,保存着大量的丝绸精品,蕴含着丰富的丝绸历史。如今,丝绸已经成为了苏州的代名词之一,再加上苏州宋锦在APEC会议上一夜成名,苏州丝绸这四个字已经为众人所知。 苏州丝绸出口贸易现状及应对措施:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_65138.html
