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时间:2020-09-16 15:53来源:毕业论文

摘 要:近年来,东海县的经济走上了飞速发展的道路,农家游也成为一种新兴的旅游形式,既满足了人们回归自然、舒缓身心、愉悦精神的要求,也优化了旅游业的产业结构,对增加农民收入,提高人民生活水平有巨大的推动作用。本文通过分析东海县农家游的发展现状,探讨了农家游在可持续发展过程中存在的外地旅客市场有限、资源利用率低、经营管理不完善、生态环境压力大等问题,并针对这些问题提出了加大宣传力度、全面整合旅游资源、加强政府管理、注重环境保护的可持续发展策略,旨在推动东海县农家游的进一步发展,实现东海县农家游与经济的共同可持续发展。56166


Abstract:In recent years, the economy of Donghai County have been developing rapidly, rural tourism also has become a new form of tourism and leisure, not only meet people return to nature, relax, requirements of the spirit of joy, also optimize the industrial structure, but also to increase the income of farmers, improving people's life level has a tremendous role. Through  analysis of the development situation of the rural tourism in Donghai Country, this paper discusses the problems in the sustainable development of rural tourism, such as limited tourists market, low utilization rate of resources, imperfect operation and management , high pressure  on ecological environment. Based on these problems, this paper also puts forward the sustainable  development strategy of enhancing publicity, integrating tourism resources comprehensively, reinforcing government management and focusing on environmental protection, in the hope to facilitate the further development of the rural tourism in Donghai County, and achieve the sustainable development of both the rural tourism and economy of Donghai County.

Keywords: Donghai Country , rural tourism, situation,strategy


1  引言 4

2  东海县农家游发展现状分析 4

2.1  旅游资源丰富 4

2.2  农家游发展初具规模 5

2.3  农家游市场需求日益扩大 5

2.4  农家游对经济发展的影响 6

3  东海县农家游发展中存在的问题 7

3.1  外地旅客市场有待扩大 7

3.2  资源利用率低 8

3.3  经营管理不完善 8

3.4  生态环境压力大 9

4  东海县农家游可持续发展策略 9

4.1  加大宣传力度 9

4.2  全面整合旅游资源 10

4.3  加强政府管理 10

4.4  注重环境保护 11

结 论 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

1  引言

农家游,即乡村旅游,是指在乡村地区,以乡村自然和人文景观为吸引物,使旅游者领略农村乡野田园风光,体验农事生产劳作,了解风土民俗和回归自然,融观赏、考察、学习、参与、娱乐、购物、度假等于一体,能够满足旅游者求异、求知、求根等需求并能产生经济效益的旅游活动[1]。国外著名学者罗佑-贝拉的观点是,对农家游忠诚度高的旅客,其主要动机是希望暂时远离日常生活,放松肌体和心情,并到新地方旅游[2]。 东海县农家游可持续发展问题与策略:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_60664.html
