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时间:2020-07-20 21:57来源:毕业论文

摘要: 俄罗斯是一个石油大国,中国是一个发展中国家,两国不仅在地理上毗邻,而且在政治、经济和文化交流上,中俄之间都有更多的合作和交流,这对两国的双边关系也起着越来越重要的作用。自2009年初以来,随着中俄贸易规模的不断扩大,两国在能源领域的合作也日益深化,这使得中俄经贸关系保持了快速健康的发展。中俄两国在石油领域的合作互补有着良好的基础,能够互利共赢,而且双边贸易也有很大的原动力和促进空间,以及更大的利润空间,同时两国之间的经贸关系可以促进两国政治和文化的交流,也可以深化两国之间的外交合作。深化中俄政治经济关系对我国能源安全具有重要意义。本文分析了中俄石油贸易的现状及其影响因素,分析了中俄石油贸易中可能存在的问题,并提出了一些解决问题的办法。52712

毕业论文关键词: 中俄石油贸易;经贸分析;中俄关系

Sino Russian oil economic and Trade Analysis

Abstract: Russia is an oil country, China is a developing country, the two countries not only in the geographical adjacent, but also in the political, economic and cultural exchanges between China and Russia have more cooperation and exchanges. Also of bilateral relations in the world also plays a more and more important role, since the beginning of 2009, with the continuous expansion of the scale of Sino Russian trade, cooperation between the two countries in the energy sector is increasingly deepening, resulting in Sino Russian economic and trade relations have maintained a rapid and healthy development. Sino Russian cooperation in the oil sector complementary and have good foundation, mutual benefit and win-win, and bilateral trade has great raw power and promotion space, also has a greater profit space, economic and trade relations between the two countries can promote bilateral political, cultural exchanges can also deepen diplomatic cooperation between the two countries. To deepen the Sino Russian political and economic relations is of great significance to China's energy security. This paper analyzes the present situation and its influencing factors of Sino Russian oil trade, analyzes the problems that may exist in the oil trade between China and Russia, and explains the problems and puts forward some solutions.

Key Words:Sino Russian oil trade; economic and trade analysis; Sino Russian relations 

目  录

绪 论 1

    (一) 研究的内容 1

    (二) 研究方法 1

       1、 文献分析法 1

       2、 归纳演绎法 2

       3、 实证调研法 2

一、中俄石油贸易的发展历史 3

(一)起步(1992~1999年) 3

(二)积极推进(2000~2008年) 4

(三)迅速发展(2009年至今) 4

二、 发展中俄石油贸易的积极因素 6

(一)地缘政治优势 6

(二)中俄资源、技术与市场具有互补性 6

(三)“一带一路”将给中俄合作带来新的机遇 7

三、发展中俄石油贸易的消极因素 8

(一)俄罗斯的因素 8

1. 俄罗斯国内各利益集团的博弈和竞争 中俄石油经贸合作探析:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_56703.html
