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时间:2020-07-06 21:56来源:毕业论文

摘要:产业结构与经济发展密切相关,产业结构不断优化升级是经济发展的一般规律,合理的产业结构能够促进扬州市社会经济持续、健康、稳定发展。本文以 2001年~2010年的平均数据作为截面数据,以江苏省为参照系,基于区位商法,首先对扬州市三次产业进行了总体分析,然后详细分析了三次产业内部各行业产值构成及区位商变化,总结出第扬州市一产业和第二产业始终具有比较优势,且工业制造业发达等产业特征。承接前文的分析,最后提出了优化扬州市产业结构的对策与建议,主要包括发展高效现代化农业,改造提升传统产业,积极培育新兴产业和加速发展现代服务业。52072


Abstract: Industrial structure is closely related to the economic development,and optimization and upgrading of which is the general law of economic development. Rational industrial structure is also the foundation of regional socio-economic sustainable, healthy and stable development.Based on location quotient,taking the average data from 2001 to 2010 as sectional data and Jiangsu Province as the reference ,this paper first analyzes the three industries in Yangzhou City. Then analyzes the output value of proportion of the various sectors within the three industries in Yangzhou City and summarizes the features that primary and secondary industries always have a comparative advantage, and that manufacturing industry is relatively developed. Undertaking the foregoing analysis, the paper proposes some suggestions for the adjustment of industrial structure of Yangzhou in the future, including to develop efficient modern agriculture, to transform and upgrade traditional industries, to actively cultivate new industries and to accelerate the development of modern service industry. 

Keywords: Location quotient, Industrial structure, Yangzhou City

目  录

1 引言 5

2 扬州市概况 5

3 数据来源与研究方法 5

3.1 数据来源与整理 5

3.2 研究方法与计算过程 6

4 扬州市产业结构实证分析 6

4.1 产业结构总体分析 6

4.2 三次产业内部结构分析 8

4.3 产业结构分析结论 14

5 优化扬州市产业结构的对策与建议 15

5.1 发展高效现代化农业 15

5.2 改造提升传统产业 16

5.3积极培育新兴产业 17

5.4 加速发展现代服务业 17

结   语 19

参考文献 20

致  谢 21

1 引言  



2 扬州市概况

扬州是历史文化古城,位于江苏省中部,东与泰州、盐城交界;西与南京六合、淮安金湖和安徽天长接壤,长江与京杭大运河在此交汇。管辖广陵、邗江、江都3区和宝应、仪征、高邮3县。扬州市总面积约6634平方公里,总人口合计465万。  基于区位商的扬州市产业结构分析:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_55895.html
