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时间:2017-04-21 12:56来源:毕业论文

摘要:    本文介绍的书店管理系统是基于B/S模式的小型电子商务系统,能够满足中小型网上书店的销售和管理需求。合作商家、客户、管理者可以充分利用网上书店提供的购物平台、支付平台、管理平台等共享资源有效地、低成本地开展自己的商务活动,使之成为一个整合了信息流、物质流、资金流的运营管理环境。系统采用Microsoft Visual Studio作为开发平台、MS SQL Server作为后台数据库来实现书店系统的设计与开发。主要由两大模块组成:前台售书模块和后台管理模块。主要开发流程为:对基于WEB的网上购物系统进行可行性分析,并对资源分配、进度安排等做出合理的计划后,对该系统进行了需求分析、概要设计和详细设计,最后对每个模块进行了编码,并进一步对完成好的系统进行了测试和运行。7448
关键词:    ASP.NET;书店管理;电子商务;B/S模式
Bookstore Management System
Abstract:     Bookstore management system introduced in this paper is a small e-commerce system based on B/S mode, and can meet the needs of sales and management of small and medium-sized online bookstore. The cooperators, customers, managers can make full use of online bookstore’s shopping platform, payment platform, management platform etc to share resources efficiently, cost lowly to carry out their business activities, and make it become an integration of the information flow, material flow, capital flow management environment. The system adopts Microsoft Visual Studio as the development platform, with MS SQL Server as the background database, to complete the design and the development of bookstore system. Mainly consists of two modules: the foreground of book module and the background of management module .The Main development process is: To carry on the viability assessment according to the WEB on-line shopping system, and assign to the resources, the degree of progress arrangement etc. after being the plan of a reasonable carried on the need to that system analysis, the essentials design and detailed design. At Last I carried on the coding to each mold piece, and further carry on testing and running on the completed the system.
Keywords:    ASP.NET; Bookstore Management; Electronic Commerce; B/S mode
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    iii
1    绪论    1
1.1    引言    1
1.2    项目开发背景    1
1.3    研究的目的和内容    2
1.4    国内外研究现状    2
1.5    发展趋势    3
2    分析    4
2.1    需求分析    4
2.2    实现目标分析    5
2.3    可行性分析    5
2.3.1    技术可行性    6
2.3.2    经济可行性    6
2.3.3    运行可行性    6
2.4    开发技术分析    6
2.4.1    ASP.NET简介    6
2.4.2    SQL数据库简介    7
2.4.3    B/S简介    8
2.4.4    B/S、C/S结构软件技术上的比较    9
2.5    系统总体设计思想分析    10
2.6    功能模块分析    10
2.6.1    前台功能模块分析    11
2.6.2    后台功能模块分析    12
3    设计    13 ASP.net+sqlserver书店管理系统开发与设计:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_5417.html