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时间:2020-03-13 21:49来源:毕业论文

Agriculture as the foundation of our country national economy, our country wants to develop, must have the support of agriculture, the problem of  "agricul-ture,countryside and farmers" has been a difficult problem in the economic and social construction of our country. After the reform and opening up, China's rural areas have a great development, the living standards of farmers have become better and better, but as China continues to develop, there are also a lot of problems in the continuous exposure. Has been widening the gap between urban and rural areas, rural economic development is still very slow, the income of farmers is relatively low, seriously re-stricting the harmonious and comprehensive development of China's society. Only when China's rural finance has been developed, can China build a new socialist coun-tryside. In this paper, a combination of our country's rural financial history according to the present development of China's rural financial situation, from the national con-ditions of summarized the obstacles to the development of China's rural finance, ref-erence of developed countries and developing countries for the experience of rural financial development, find out which is favorable to the development of rural finance in China, the road, proposes the solution countermeasure, clear away the obstacles ob-stacles to the development of China's financial, promote financial development in rural China.
Key words: new normal; restrictive factors; rural finance
目  录
摘  要    I
第一章  绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究意义    1
第二章  我国农村金融发展的现状及主要问题    2
2.1新常态下农村金融的现状    2
2.2 我国农村金融发展存在的问题    5
第三章  案例分析——国外农村金融发展的经验借鉴    7
3.1发达国家的农村金融发展    7
3.2 发展中国家的农村金融发展    8
3.3 小结    8
第四章  完善中国农村金融发展的对策建议    10
4.1 完善中国农村金融体系的基本原则    10
4.2 完善中国农村金融体系的具体建议    10
结束语    13
致  谢    14
参考文献    15
第一章  绪论
改革开放以来,伴随着全球经济的一体化,我国与国外的交流越来越多,中国的经济对全球经济的影响越来越大,作用越来越突出,如今中国的经济发展已步入新常态阶段。“新”是“不同于旧”;“常态”便是经常常发生的状态,事物。新常态便是不同以前的、相对比较稳定的状态。这是一种趋势、不可逆的状况,这就意我国的经济发展正在朝着另一个与过去30年高速增长有所不同的阶段迈去。新常态的指向是人民的生活水平有所提高,老百姓的“获得感”得到提升,就业相对比较稳,民生保障的更加完善。但是在新常态的大背景下,我国农村的发展还是出现了诸多的难题。与其他产业相比,农村经济和农民收入经过短暂的快速增长后却陷入低速增长的怪圈,城乡收入差距也在进一步的被拉大。农村经济发展缓慢、人均收入较低严重影响我国的社会和谐。农业、农村、农民作为现代农村金融发展的核心,关系着“三农”问题能否有效的得到解决,是党和国家全面发展首先要解决的问题。现如今,农村金融发展是我们国家金融体系中最最薄弱的部分,发展还很落后,农民和农业贷款难等问题十分的突出。农村信贷需求依然不能有效的解决,金融对经济的支持作用还是发挥的不够充分。在新常态的形式下,我国的农村金融面临越来越多的压力和挑战,面对的问题越来越多,如何更好的解决这些问题,不停加强农村金融的变革创新,使得农村金融得到进一步的提高,值得我们深入思考和持续研究。 新常态下促进农村金融发展的研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_48271.html