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时间:2020-03-12 20:40来源:毕业论文

摘要近些年,外商直接投资(FDI)在中国发展的速度越来越快,已经是我国经济发展过程中重要的一环,其扮演的作用和地位也越来越高。上世纪七十年代以来,虽然我国产业结构发生的很大的改变,但仍然存在着许多迫切需要解决的实际问题和麻烦,远远没有达到最理想的状态。本文根据近三十年来我国三大产业有关外商直接投资与产业结构发展水平的数据,初步讨论外商直接投资对我国产业结构的优化与升级是否存在影响和存在影响的程度。首先设立计量模型,用回归分析的方法得出一些结论:三大产业的产业结构升级受到外商直接投资的影响程度各不相同,其产业结构转变的方向也不同; FDI对我国产业结构的影响存在非常普遍的滞后性,即投资当年也许无法获利,到第二年才有收益。最后对FDI对产业结构升级的影响进行分析,发现FDI对我国产业结构升级所产生的推动效果非常明显,目前我国产业结构正在从原来的第二产业为主逐渐向第三产业占主导进行转变。因此我们可以采取一些措施保证FDI对我国产业结构有良好推动作用,如加强本土吸收能力、加大对外开放力度、推动基础设施建设、培养更强的自主创新能力等。46477
In recent years, foreign direct investment (FDI) in China is growing faster and faster, is an important part of the process of economic development in China, its role and position is also getting higher and higher. Since the seventy's of last century, although the industrial structure of our country has changed a lot, there are still many practical problems and problems that need to be solved urgently, which is far from reaching the ideal state. In this paper, we use the data of the three industry in the past twenty years, and discuss the influence of FDI on the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure in China. First the creation of econometric model, using the regression analysis method to draw some conclusions: the impact of foreign direct investment of the three industrial structure caused by the direction and degree of each are not identical, the impact of FDI on the industrial structure of our country are very common lag, namely investment year may not be able to make a profit, to the second year to earning. Finally on FDI impact on the upgrading of the industrial structure of regression analysis. It is found that FDI on China's industrial structure upgrading has significant role in promoting, China's industrial structure from the secondary industry accounted for leading to the third industry accounted for leading change. Therefore, we can take some measures to ensure FDI on China's industrial structure has good role in promoting, such as strengthening the local absorption ability and increase the intensity of opening to the outside world, to promote the construction of infrastructure, cultivate stronger independent innovation ability etc..
Key words:FDI; Industrial structure; econometric model; regression analysis
 目  录
第一章  绪论    1
  1.1研究背景及研究意义    1
  1.2文献综述与问题提出    1
第二章  我国利用FDI与产业结构现状分析    4
  2.1我国产业结构的现状分析    4
2.2我国利用FDI的现状分析    8
第三章  我国FDI对产业结构调整影响的实证分析    10
  3.1数据来源与数据选取    10
3.2计量模型的研究与设定    11
  3.3描述性统计分析    11
  3.4计量模型检验和实证分析    11
第四章  研究结论    16 FDI对产业结构调整影响研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_48192.html