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时间:2020-03-09 12:24来源:毕业论文

In this paper, the background of the current development status of SMEs under the market interest rate as the research direction, with many cases and related literature on this analysis, and puts forward the corresponding solutions to the financing difficulties of SMEs. Although SMEs play to replace the role in promoting economic growth, international trade, technological innovation, expanding employment, increasing income, active market, social stability etc. But the development of SMEs is still restricted by a lot of factors, the main problem is the difficulty of financing, it has become a bottleneck restricting the development of SMEs. To help and support SMEs to get rid of the difficult situation is of great significance, and the task is arduous and difficult. Therefore, we must improve the current interest rate system, to promote the process of marketization of interest rates, we must accelerate the pace of interest rate market. Study on the problem of SMEs finacing interest rate marketization environment, has astrong theoretical value and practical significance of subject.
Key words: Interest rate liberalization;Small and medium-sized enterprises ;Financing problems
摘  要    I
Abstract    I
第一章 利率市场化概述    1
1.1利率市场化的概念    1
1.2利率市场化的进程    1
1.3利率市场化的现状    1
第二章 我国中小企业融资现状的分析    1
2.1中小企业概念及划分    1
2.2中小企业融资现状分析    1
2.3中小企业融资难原因分析    1
第三章 利率市场化对中小企业融资的影响    1
3.1融资理念    1
3.2融资环境    1
3.3融资成本    1
3.4融资结构和方式    1
3.5融资风险    1
第四章 解决中小企业融资难的政策建议    1
4.1加强企业自身建设    1
4.2塑造良好的外部环境    1
第五章 中小企业融资案例分析    1
5.1温州鹿城捷信小额贷款公司的案例    1
5.2启示    1
结束语    1
致  谢    1
参考文献    1
利率市场化中的内容:利率结构特点,利率传导作用,利率管理的模式以及利率决定的机制。金融机构在融资经营时,通过分析资本市场的供求来决定利率的水平。这从根本上说明了利率决定权是由金融市场决定的,一般对金融机构自身的资金情况和对金融市场动向来判断来确定如何调节利率的变化幅度,货币市场在最后就成为了桥梁纽带,或称中介机构,基础利率:是以中央银行基准利率为基础,市场利率形成的机制和市场利率的体系是由市场供求决定的,金融机构的存贷款利率也是在这个基础之上形成的。 利率市场化背景下中小企业融资问题的分析:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_47901.html