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时间:2020-02-21 13:08来源:毕业论文

Since the reform and opening up, China's urbanization process follows the general law of urbanization, at the same time, because of the social system, economic level, the differences between the historical tradition, etc, and presents the distinct Chinese characteristics, has the marketization and industrialization phase, government push and market pull overlap etc. Characteristics. It not only makes the process of our urbanization more difficult and complex, but also puts forward for the effective role in the financial support of major challenges, makes the current urbanization level of financial support to economic development and urbanization process of the special path in terms of demand obviously deficiencies, and thus become an important factor restricting the development of urbanization in our country. For this reason, this article is based on typical foreign countries urbanization process and the experiences and lessons of the financial structure adjustment, through to our country urbanization characteristics such as dynamic, propulsion mechanism research, reveals the current financial structure are the main deficiencies and challenge, put forward the corresponding countermeasures and Suggestions, so as to improve the level of urbanization in the financial services, to promote the rapid development of urbanization in our country.
Key words:Urbanization;Financial structure adjustment;Financial instruments;Financial institutions
目    录
摘   要Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
一、 导论 1
㈠ 研究背景及研究意义 1
文献综述 1
㈢ 研究思路和研究方法 2
㈠ 国外城镇化的经验 4
㈡ 国外城镇化的教训 5
三、 我国金融结构调整的趋势及现状 5
㈠ 金融结构定义 5
㈡ 金融结构调整的内涵与基本趋势 6
㈢ 我国金融结构的现状 7
四、我国城镇化进程分析  7
㈠ 城镇化定义 7
㈡ 我国城镇化的现状 7
㈢ 我国新型城镇化建设中的金融困境 8
五、金融结构对城镇化的影响 10
㈠ 金融工具与新型城镇化关系  10
㈡ 金融机构与新型城镇化关系  11
六、基于城镇化背景下的金融结构调整 12
㈠ 鼓励民间投资、乡镇土地融资,减轻政府负担  12㈡ 改革地方投融资体制框架,降低民间资本进入市场门槛13
㈢ 鼓励农村新型金融机构发展,创新金融产品13
结论   14
参考文献   15
致谢 16
附录 17
一、    导论
新型城镇化是我国现代化建设的大战略和历史性使命, 是当下扩大内需的最大潜力所在,是促进我国经济持续健康发展的重要力量,是我国全面建成小康社会和从经济大国向经济强国迈进的巨大引擎,是实现中国社会转型的重要途径。我们必须认识新型城镇化的战略意义,明确新型城镇化发展的改革任务,妥善解决城镇化过程当中出现的种种困难,努力提升城镇化的质量,促进城镇化与经济社会的健康发展。而金融体系由于其强大的聚集和分配资金的能力,成为一个国家城镇化过程的催化剂。 金融结构调整对城镇化的影响:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_46551.html