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时间:2019-12-24 21:06来源:毕业论文



Discuss The Predicament and Outlet of the Supply of Public Goods in Rural Areas


In recent years, the peasants in our country have had the increasingly heavy burden. The most important one of the reasons is the mechanism of the supply of public goods in rural areas is not scientific, reasonable, so it will cause supply and demand contradiction of rural public products in our country .The phenomenon will become more and more strict and heavy. The fundamental way to alleviate this phenomenon is to reduce the burden on farmers, and increase the innovation of rural public goods supply mechanism. This innovation should be to co-ordinate the development of urban and rural areas, leading the market of rural public goods based on the reform committee, which is to improve the rural public goods from top to bottom demand mechanism.

Key Words:Rural public goods;  Integration of urban and rural;  Government guidance;  Market oriented reform


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

一  农村公共产品的供给及其意义 1

(一)农村公共产品的分类 1

(二)农村公共产品有效供给的意义 2

二  当前农村公共产品供给存在的问题 4

(一)农村公共物品供给总量不足 4

(二)农村公共产品供给效率低下无法保障产品质量 4

(三)农村公共产品供需结构失衡 4

(四)农村公共产品供给主体责任不明确导致农民负担过重 4

(五)农村公共产品供给的渠道单一 5

三  农村公共产品供给不足的原因 5

(一)二元供给政策造成的制度缺陷 5

(二)自上而下的供给决策机制的缺陷 6

(三)农民缺少表达自身需求的组织 6

(四)农村公共产品供给渠道单一的缺陷 7

(五)地方政府责任过大与能力有限之间的矛盾 7

四  农村公共产品供给改革的对策 7

(一)建立城乡一体化的供给体制 7

(二)满足农民需求,提高公共品的供给效率 8

(三)构建多供给主体的农村公共产品供给体制 8

(四)建立有效的监督机制 9

参考文献 10

致谢 论农村公共产品供给的困境与出路:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_44151.html
