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时间:2019-04-13 22:15来源:毕业论文

摘要: 新疆作为我国西部少数民族集中居住的少数民族特色文化最浓的一个区域,是我国实施西部大开发战略的重要地区,也就是我国对外开放的重要门户。无论从特殊的地段优势还是丰富的自然资源开发利用或者稀有的特色民族文化发扬讨论,发挥新疆东引西出、向西开放的地缘优势,将新疆打造成区域的国际交流平台,对拓展与中、西、南亚和欧洲各国全方位、多领域的经贸合作具有十分重要的意义,有利于推动形成我国“陆上开放”和“沿海开放”并对外开放新格局,进一步发挥新疆在向西开放过程中的桥头堡和枢纽作用。34487
毕业论文关键字; 会展业; 区域经济; 新疆经济发展
The impact on the regional economy of the   exhibition industry
- Case of Xinjiang exhibition industry 
Abstract;As the most concentrated inhabited by ethnic minorities area in est China, Xinjiang is not only our country’s most important developing area in the west, but also an important area opening up to the outside world. Considering about its special district advantage, rich natural resources, or characteristic national culture, making full use of its geopolitical advantage from the east to the west and making Xinjiang be a regional and international exchange platform have significant effects for developing economic and trade cooperation among countries in the different areas in Asia. They are also good for helping our country become a “Land opening” and “Sea opening” country.
This paper will contact the Development of Exhibition Industry with National Economy, then making a combination with exhibition industry and development of economy in Xinjiang. At first, use theory to expound the effects and ways to the national economy brought by the exhibition industry. Then, expound the effects to the development of national economy brought by the exhibition industry by analyzing actual data. At last, combined with trends and features of our country’s exhibition industry, I will advise more methods which should be acted in Xinjiang. Wish my beautiful hometown become more and more prosperous and harmonious.
Key word;  Exhibition Industry;  Regional economy;  Economic development of xinjiang
一 绪论    1
(一)研究背景    1
(二)文献综述    2
(三)研究意义    2
二 会展业与区域经济概述    4
1. 会展的含义    4
2. 会展业的功能    5
(二)区域经济概述    6
1. 区域经济的含义    6
2. 区域经济的发展    8
三 会展业对区域经济发展的影响    9
(一)发挥联动效应,带动关联产业发展    9
   (二)提供技术信息,促进发展方式转变    10
    (三)改善贸易结构,扩大贸易规模    10
   (四)提升区域形象,增强经济发展吸引力    11
四 新疆会展业的发展概况    13
(一)新疆会展业发展阶段回顾    13 会展业对区域经济的影响:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_32005.html