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时间:2018-11-20 21:34来源:毕业论文

The Idea of E-Commercialization of Yantai 's Apples
Abstract:With the widespread application of Internet technology, China's network groups with the rapid expansion of network marketing came into being in this domestic and international environment, China's agricultural marketing should be adjusted as soon as possible for network marketing ideas to adapt to the development of the times. Yantai is a well-known apple main producing areas, but it is still mainly based on traditional sales, which is not conducive to farmers to increase economic returns, can not meet the needs of consumers to buy, so Yantai Apple's commercial sales is bound Row. This paper provides a feasible solution for the development of Yantai Apple's e-commerce in order to realize the symbiotic development of e-commerce channels and traditional channels, so as to promote the development of Yantai apple industry, increase the income of farmers, meet the consumers The demand.
Key words:Agricultural products;E- commerce;Yantai apple
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
引言    2
一、文献综述    2
(一)农产品电商化的理论研究    2
(二)农产品电子商务的信息化建设研究    2
(三)农产品电子商务的交易模式研究    2
(四)农产品电子商务的消费者研究    3
二、山东烟台苹果产业发展现状    3
(一)优势    3
1.地理优势    3
2.产业化优势    3
3.品种繁多    3
4.市场与物流优势    4
5.科技含量高    4
6.品牌优势明显    4
(二)劣势    4
1.种植密度太大    4
2.良种的普及有限    4
三、烟台苹果电商化的基础条件和可行性分析    4
(一)农户角度    4
(二)政府角度    6
(三)消费者角度    6
(四)基础设施角度    9
四、烟台苹果的电子商务方案构想    9
(一)烟台苹果电子商务销售的意义    9
(二)烟台苹果目前电子商务销售过程中存在的问题    9
1.果农对苹果的电子商务销售认知不够    9
2.消费者参与度不高    10
3.网上销售苹果质量不保障    10
4.规模化经营程度低    10
5.存储物流成本高    10
6.政府发挥的主导作用不够    10
7.农业信息化基础薄弱、信息不通畅    10
8.缺乏高素质的电商人才    10
(三)烟台苹果电子商务销售存在问题的解决方案    10
1.加强农村网络基础设施建设    10 烟台苹果的电商化营销构想+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_26094.html