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时间:2018-11-08 20:13来源:毕业论文

The discussion and exploration on the prospects of Green Exhibition Industry
Abstract: Nowadays, the social economy is increased steadily, along with its rapid development will naturally come out of the economic development and energy and environmental symbiosis topic is today called "green economy." Exhibition industry acts as a strong economic development society role, which must be followed to achieve sustainable economic development.
With a low-carbon economy has become a global trend, green development has become the highlight of the every industry and exhibition industry is no exception. Some well-known international exhibition attempts to create and enhance their image from the perspective of green and public welfare, green exhibition has become the slogan of the exhibition industry in China.
This topic through initial awareness of "green exhibition", analyzes the current situation of green exhibition industry, learn from the successful experience of the process of green, offer suggestions for "green exhibition." It is really meaningful.
Key words: green exhibition, low-carbon, sustainability
一、    绪论    4
(一)研究意义    4
(二) 研究背景    4
(三) 文献综述    5
二、    绿色会展的概况    7
(一) 什么是绿色会展    7
(二) 绿色会展对于城市经济的作用    8
三、    绿色会展的成功案例分析    9
(一) 北京奥运会中“绿色奥运”效应的资料分析    9
(二) 上海世博会中的“绿色奥运”效应的资料分析    10
(三) 结论分析与建议    11
四、    对于绿色会展的未来发展与探究    12
(一) 建设低碳生态友好的绿色会展    12
(二) 加强会展场馆的绿色利用率    13
(三) 完善绿色会展的评价体系    14
致谢        15
参考文献    16
一、    绪论
(一)    研究意义
会展行业的经济可带动社会第三产业的综合发展。从实际的角度观察,会展业不仅可以给各类企业角色带来场租及搭建费等的直接费用收入,并且可以直接或间接拉动数十个行业的发展,如餐饮、娱乐、酒店、购物、通迅、交通、地产、旅游、广告印刷等,不仅可以积聚人气,而且还能促进各大产业的同步发展,这对一个城市或地区的经济发展和社会进步产生了重要的催化作用和影响力。做一个好的展览会或者其他会展类的活动,他对于经济的拉动效应可以达到一比九之高。我们国家也对于会展行业予以了高度重视,印发《关于“十二五”期间促进会展业发展的指导意见》以全方位引领并指导会展行业发展的稳定、有序的同时,也整合并且完善了国家重点政府级的主导型展会的战略布局。根据现状的预测,在“十二五”期间,会展业将仍然以年平均高于百分之十的速度快速增长。 论绿色会展的发展前景与探究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_25489.html