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时间:2018-09-18 21:30来源:毕业论文

Research on Financing Support of Small and Micro Enterprises by Commercial Banks in China
Abstract: In recent years, small & micro-enterprises have become one of the China's social and economic development core strength, due to the characteristics of small & micro-enterprises, the problem of financing difficult restrict the development of small & micro-enterprises. Therefore, the study on support of small & micro-enterprise financing means a lot. In this paper, using different commercial Bank for example, we first analyzed the status quo and reasons of the financing of small & micro enterprises in China, and then analyzed the status quo and problems of the financing business of small and medium enterprises of commercial Bank. And then use the DEA method to compare the data between different banks. The empirical analysis of the financing support efficiency of the small& micro enterprises shows that State – owned Bank’s efficiency on services is at the leading level in the industry, but the profit efficiency is to be improved. At the end of this paper, depends on Features of different banks , this paper puts forward some suggestions to enhance the efficiency of financing support of commercial banks in China.
Key words:Commercial Banks; Small Micro Enterprise; Financing Support; Financing Efficiency
摘要. 1
关键词.. 1
Abstract 1
Key words1
一、引言    .2
二、文献综述    2
三、我国小微企业融资现状与问题分析    3
(一)我国小微企业融资现状    4
(二)我国商业银行小微企业融资支持现状    5
(三)我国商业银行小微企业融资支持问题分析    6
四、我国商业银行小微企业融资支持效率实证分析    7
(一)数据包络分析(DEA)介绍    6
1.效率的定义    6
2.DEA方法的介绍    6
3.DEA模型的介绍    6
4.模型指标设置    7
5.样本选取    8
(二) 实证结果分析    8
1.服务效率分析    8
2.盈利效率分析    9
3.综合效率分析    10
五、提升我国商业银行小微企业融资支持效率的建议    11
致谢    12
参考文献    13
根据国家统计年鉴,截至到2015年底,我国工业小型企业数量为31.9445万户,约占我国工业企业总数的83%。时至今日,小微企业已成为我国国民经济发展的重要引擎,占我国工业企业数量的绝大数,吸引了大量劳动力,成为解决就业问题的主要渠道。然而由于小微企业规模小、可担保资产少的特性,小微企业融资难的问题一直是阻碍其进一步发展的绊脚石。在这样的背景下,政府如何协调好商业银行与小微企业融资关系、加强小微企业融资支持,显得极为重要。 我国商业银行对小微企业融资支持研究:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_23187.html