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时间:2018-04-28 09:40来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 后电影产品;产业链;开发模式
Derivatives’ development after China's film industry chain is analysed
Abstract:Movie derivatives’ development is an important link of the film industry chain. We can see, even if the movie offline, movie derivatives’ development can continue to bring a steady stream of benefits for film makers. Focusing on the Chinese film market, obvious weak concept (first) exists, the legal system is not complete (piracy), experience lacks that can lead to the development of the domestic film market slowly Today, the Chinese film gradually integrated into the global film industry chain cycle. The development of the film derivatives’ market has become a link for Chinese movie producers to create interest that can not be ignored.This paper introduces the development status quo of China's film industry and the development of movie derivatives.It mainly analyzes the movie derivatives’ development mode including video, DVD, after the original records, movie posters, music, novel, image products, theme parks, movie and TV tourism and so on. It also mentioned the influence of Internet on the Movie derivatives and summarized some of the problems existing in the development of Chinese film derivatives,and puts forward on my own suggestions.
Keywords: Movie Derivatives; The industry chain; Development mode
目 录
绪论 1
一、中国后电影市场现状  2
(一)中国后电影市场的发展历程 2
(二)中国后电影产业现状 2
(三)中国电影产业链中后产品开发的价值和作用 3
1、发展和完善中国电影产链 3
2、满足大众文化消费需求 3
3、带来资本増值 4
二、中国后电影产品的开发 4
(一)中国后电影产品的开发模式 4
1、以电影为核心的后产品开发 4
2、以电影为导向的后产品开发 5                            (二)网络时代后电影产品市场的开发 5
1、宣传平台 5
2、发行平台 6
3、消费及调研平台 6
(三)影响电影后产品开发的因素 7
1、市场环境 7
2、电影内容 7
3、后产品销售渠道 7
三、中国后电影市场开发中存在的问题及对策 8
(一)题材层面 8
(二)人才层面 8
(三)渠道层面 9
(四)反盗版层面 9
致 谢 10
参 考 文 献 11
绪 论
后产品的开发是中国电影产业格局发展上重要的调整,电影后产品市场的发展满足了消费者精神文化上的需求,延长了电影生命周期,电影下线以后,衍生品能够借着原来电影的品牌影响力,通过制片商授权生产的后产品将创造无穷的利益。此外,后产品还能很好的发展中国电影产业链,包括促进电影投资环境多样化,扩充电影市场机制,使电影产业的运作更加规范,降低了投资制作一部电影所带来的商业风险,最终成就一条良性循环的价值链。如果中国电影产业链中缺少了后电影产品开发这个环节,那么未来在全球电影产业的发展趋势下,中国电影将失去它的一席之地,无法生存,因此,开发电影后产品俨然成为电影产业链中最有价值的环节,是中国电影做大做强的必经之路。 浅议我国电影产业链中后产品的开发:http://www.751com.cn/jingji/lunwen_14341.html