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时间:2021-04-27 21:22来源:毕业论文

摘 要:如今在线网络教育已不再是新鲜的事物,早期出现的网络教学平台为其提供了基础性技术支持。网络教学平台也是近几年兴起的MOOC(大规模开放在线课程)发展的技术基础,然而多数MOOC运作机构并没有使用常规的网络教学平台,而是自主研究开发了MOOC平台。那么MOOC平台到底有什么特别之处?它与常规网络教学平台又有什么异同?本文主要从平台的结构要素、学习管理系统支持等方面比较研究几种主流的MOOC平台与网络教学平台,简要归纳总结两种平台的优缺点,探讨网络教学平台的发展现状与趋势。66550


Abstract: Nowadays, online education is no longer the fresh things, the early network teaching platform provides the basic technical support for it. The network teaching platform is also the technical basis for the development of MOOC(massive open online course) which is rising in recent years, yet most MOOC operation institutions do not use the conventional network teaching platform, but research and develop the MOOC platform independently. In that way, what's so special about MOOC platform? And what are the similarities and differences with conventional network teaching platform? This thesis is mainly from structural elements, learning management, system support of the platform and other aspects to make a comparative study of MOOC platform and network teaching platform, and briefly summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the two platforms, discuss the present situation and the tendency of the development of network teaching platform. 

Keywords: MOOC platform, network teaching platform, online education

目  录

1 引言 4

2 MOOC平台 4

2.1 MOOC的概述 4

2.2 常见的MOOC平台 4

2.3 MOOC平台的特点 5

3 常规网络教学平台 6

3.1 网络教学的概述 6

3.2 网络教学平台的含义 6

3.3 常规网络教学平台的发展现状 7

4 MOOC平台和常规网络教学平台的比较 7

4.1 平台的结构要素 7

4.2 平台的学习管理分析 9

4.3 平台的系统支持分析 10

4.4 平台的发展缺陷 10

4.5 平台的发展前景 12

结  束  语 13

参 考 文 献 14

致  谢 15

1 引言


2 MOOC平台

2.1 MOOC的概述

    MOOC是Massive Online Open Course的首字母的缩写,翻译成中文是“大规模在线开放课程”(简称为慕课),它是一种基于网络、使用大量新兴的教学方法和教学工具、以开放访问和大规模参与为目的、以学员为中心、针对于社会大众的免费的在线课堂。论文网 MOOC平台与常规网络教学平台的比较研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_74504.html
