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时间:2021-04-11 17:27来源:毕业论文

摘 要:学困生,是指由于学习方法、学习情感以及学习意志等因素影响而导致成绩差的学生,与体力、智力、生理或心理无关。经调查,小学数学学困生的內型主要分为学习方法欠佳型、情感意志障碍型以及贪玩懒散型。这些学困生在心理上普遍存在恐惧心理、自卑心理、应付心理、逆反心理、畏难心理以及厌学心理。对于学困生的转化大致可以从学校、家庭、社会这三个方面进行。学校要针对性的进行教育改革;家庭应该与学校积极配合,共同教育,提升质量;社会应积极为儿童营造良好的文化氛围。65398


Abstract:Students with learning difficulties are those who have poor performance in study due to reasons such as improper learning methods, lack of learning emotion and learning will and it has nothing to do with physical strength, mental faculties, or physical and mental states. Investigations show that there are three categories of student with learning difficulties in Maths of primary school: students with improper learning methods, students with emotional and willpower barriers, and students playing too much and lazy in study. It’s generally found that these students have psychology of fear, of inferiority, of coping, of rebellion, of fears of difficulty and of being school-weary. The transformation of the situation can be roughly done through the three aspects including school, family and the society. Schools should carry out targeted education reform; families are supposed to actively cooperate with schools to educate the students together to improve education quality; and the society should try to create a good cultural atmosphere for children.

Keywords:primary,students with learning difficulties,characteristics,transformation


1 前言 3

1.1 概念的界定 3

1.2 国内外研究现状 3

1.3 研究要解决的主要问题 3

1.4 研究的意义 4

2 研究设计 4

2.1 研究方法 4

2.1.1 问卷调查法 4

2.1.2 访谈调查法 5

2.1.3 观察法 5

2.2 研究对象 5

3 问卷调查信息描述及分析 5

4 学困生的主要类型以及心理特征15

4.1 学困生的主要类型15

4.2 学困生的心理特征16

5 学困生的转化策略17

5.1 学校要针对性的进行教育改革17

5.1.1 加强学校教育评价体系的完善,优化育人环境17

5.1.2 教师要转变教育观念,加强学生的转化工作18

5.2 家庭应与学校积极配合,共同教育,提升家庭教育的质量19

5.3 社会应积极为儿童营造良好的文化氛围19

6 结论20



附录 1  23

附录 2  25

1 前言

1.1 概念的界定



1.2 国内外研究现状

1.3 研究要解决的主要问题 小学数学学困生情况调查及转化策略略研究:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_73027.html
