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时间:2020-12-05 16:43来源:毕业论文


含能材料堆量燃烧和火焰传播规律是实现含能材料火灾预警和控制的基础。本文以发射药为典型含能材料试样,设计并搭建了一套用于含能材料火灾研究的实验平台,以此为基础,研究发射药的形状尺寸、堆积方式对火药床燃烧时火焰传播速度的影响规律。实验时以能量相同、尺寸不同的多气孔单基药、“5/7” 、“14/7” 和单孔单基管状药作为不同尺寸的试样,药床尺寸为85cm(长)×50cm(宽)。以药床尺寸为85cm(长)×50cm(宽)、堆积厚度分别为17mm和35mm的梅花形七孔粒状发射药床为试样,考察厚度对传火速度的影响;以倾斜角度分别为 5°和15°的梅花形七孔粒状发射药床为试样,考察倾斜角度对传火速度的影响;以药床宽度分别为 10cm和20cm的梅花形七孔粒状发射药床为试样,考察药床宽度对传火速度的影响。研究结果表明,尺寸最大的14/7发射药床的传火速度最慢, 多气孔单基药最快;厚度为35mm的梅花形七孔粒状发射药床,其传火速度较快;药床倾斜度为15°的梅花形七孔粒状发射药床,其传火速度较快;而药床宽度为10cm和20cm时,梅花形七孔粒状发射药床的传播速度基本相同。由此可见同种能量的发射药,增大火药的尺寸可降低火焰的传播速度;增大堆积的厚度度可以提高火焰的传播速度;增大堆积的角度可以提高火焰传播的速度;而药床接触面积对火焰的传播速度基本上没有影响。

毕业论文关键词 含能材料 形状尺寸 堆垛结构 火焰传播


Title    A Effect of the Propellant’ Size and Stacking Structure on the Flame Propagation Speed of Propellant Bed


Energetic materials contain oxidizing and combustion agent itself, so even catching fire under hypoxic conditions, the combustion is very fierce.Energetic materials once in the event of a fire during the production, processing, transportation and storage process, it basically can not be under control.Therefore the security situation is quite grim.

In this paper, we discussed of the different shape,size and stacking structure’s impact on the flame propagation speed of energetic materials through changing its shape,size and stacking mode.We used four single base propellant with different sizes and equal energy: Multi-stomatal single base propellant, "5/7", "14/7" and single-hole single-base tubular medicine. We also observed the flame propagation and test the spread speed of the similar plum-shaped seven-hole granular propellant in 0.017m and 0.035m thickness, 5°and 15°angle and 10cm and 20cm widths.Studies show that: the flame propagation speed of the 14/7 is the slowest, multi-stomatal single-base propellant the fastest; The flame propagation speed of the 0.035m thick plum-shaped seven-hole granular propellant is fast, so is the 15°angle of plum-shaped seven-hole granular propellant; The flame propagation speed of 10cm and 20cm widths plum-shaped seven-hole granular propellant is basically the same. The results indicate that increasing the size of the powder can reduce the flame propagation speed with the same powder of energy. We can improve the flame propagation speed by increasing the stacked thickness or the angle; And the influence of increasing the contact area on the flame propagation speed is faint.

Key words  Energetic materials  fire  flame propagation

1  绪论 1
