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时间:2020-09-25 09:25来源:毕业论文

摘  要:新的初中化学课程标准明确指出,要为化学教师创造性地教学研究提供更多的机会,引导教师在课程改革的实践中不断反思,促进教师的专业发展,这表明新课程改革对教师提出了更高要求。化学教师不仅要更新教育理念,转变教学角色,更要提高和健全自己的专业素质。本文分为五个部分,分别对新课程下初中化学教师素质的理论研究、新课程背景下初中化学教师应具有的素质、新课程背景下提高初中化学教师素质的方式等进行了阐述,还就初中化学教师的素质现状进行了问卷调查。主要采用文献法,问卷调查法,统计分析法,经验总结法。希望通过本课题研究,能使我们在新课程下,少走弯路,迎合新课改的主题思想,培养出具有更高素质的初中化学教师。57020

毕业论文关 键 词:初中化学教师,素质,新课程标准

Abstract:The new junior high school chemistry curriculum standards made it clear that the chemistry teachers provide creative teaching and research more opportunities to guide teachers in curriculum reform in practice constantly reflect and promote the professional development of teachers, which indicates that the new curriculum reform teachers put forward higher requirements. Chemistry teachers not only update the concept of education and transformation of teaching roles, but also enhance and improve their professional qualities. This paper is pided into five parts, the quality of the theory were junior high school chemistry teacher quality study under the new curriculum, junior high school chemistry teacher should have under the new curriculum, the new curriculum under way to improve the junior high school chemistry teacher quality, etc. are described, but also on Present Status of junior high school chemistry teacher conducted a survey. This paper mainly uses literature, questionnaires, statistical analysis, experience summary. Hope that through this research, we can make under the new curriculum, detours, to cater to the theme of the new curriculum, cultivate a more highly qualified junior high school chemistry teachers. 

Keywords: junior high school chemistry teacher, the quality, the new curriculum standards 

目   录

1 引言 3

2新课程标准下初中化学教师素质的理论研究 3

2.1 几个基本理论问题 3

2.2 新课程对化学教师的要求 4

3 新课程背景下初中化学教师应具有的素质 5

3.1 复合型的知识素质 . 5

3.2 全面的能力素质 6

3.3 健全的专业情谊... 7

4 问卷调查 8

4.1 基本情况 8

4.2 问卷调查结果分析 8

5 新课程背景下提高初中化学教师素质的途径 10

5.1学校策略 10

5.2 教师策略 11

结论 .12

参考文献 .13

致谢 .14

附录A 15

附录B 16

 1 引言

当今科学技术迅猛发展,国与国的竞争实际上就是科技、人才的竞争。教育则是科技发展和人才培养的基础和根本。蔡元培先生说:“有一个好的社会,必先有一群良好的个人,要有良好的个人,必须有一个好的教育”。推而广之的就是:要有良好的教育,必先有一流的教师。一线教师在教育中担当着重要的角色, 其教育教学行为直接关系到国家的前途和命运。在新形势下,实施素质教育已成了时代的要求,在改革的浪潮中,教师要与时俱进,切实完善自己的素质结构。 新课程背景下初中化学教师应具有的素质:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_61605.html
