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时间:2017-02-20 13:04来源:毕业论文

摘要:预膜在工业水处理中应用已经十分普遍了,它是以聚磷酸盐和锌盐为主的溶液在化学清洗后的金属表面形成一层致密而耐蚀的保护膜,是提高循环水设备耐蚀能力的一项重要手段。本次实验是从聚磷酸盐和锌盐的成膜机理出发,对以磷酸钠为主盐的预膜剂,通过肉眼观察情况、点滴实验,讨论了各种因素对预膜效果的影响,同时确定了磷酸钠、三聚磷酸钠和751偏磷酸钠各为主盐的预膜剂的最佳工艺条件。以磷酸钠为主盐的预膜剂:磷酸盐浓度900mg/L,七水硫酸锌的浓度为600mg/L,钙离子的浓度 80mg/L,pH值为6-7;以三聚磷酸钠为主盐的预膜剂:三聚磷酸盐浓度250mg/L,七水硫酸锌的浓度为225mg/L,钙离子的浓度40mg/L;以751偏磷酸钠为主盐的预膜剂:磷酸盐浓度312.5mg/L,七水硫酸锌的浓度为225mg/L,钙离子的浓度 80mg/L。通过对比不同预膜剂的预膜效果,发现以751偏磷酸钠为主盐的预膜剂一种含磷量低但预膜效果好的预膜剂。5873
关键词:低磷;预膜剂;研制 Development of a low phosphorus prefilming agent

Abstract:The membrane in industrial water treatment applications have become very popular, it is the solution to phosphate and zinc salt formed a layer of compact and corrosion protective film on the metal surface after chemical cleaning, is an important method to improve the
corrosion resistance of the circulating water equipment. This experiment is starting from the film forming mechanism of phosphate and zinc salt, of prefilming agent with sodium phosphate salt, observed by the naked eye, drop test, discussed the effect of various factors on the membrane effect, and the optimum process conditions were determined pre membrane sodium phosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate and six metaphosphoric acid the main agent of sodium salt. Prefilming agent with sodium phosphate salt: phosphate solubility of 900mg/L, the solubility of seven zinc sulfate is 600mg/L, solubility of 80mg/L Ca2 +, pH value 6-7; prefilming agent with sodium tripolyphosphate as main salt: tripolyphosphate solution of 250mg/L, the solubility of seven zinc sulfate is 225mg/L, solubility of 40mg/L calcium; prefilming agent with six partial sodium phosphate salt: phosphate solubility of 312.5mg/L, the solubility of seven zinc sulfate is 225mg/L, 80mg/L calcium ion solubility. Through the membrane effect comparison of different pretreatment filming agent, found the film to six partial sodium phosphate salt agent for low phosphorus content but prefilming agent pretreatment.
Key word :Low phosphorus; pretreatment filming agent ;prepare
 目   录

1 概述    1
1.1预膜剂的研究进展    1
1.2预膜剂的现状及几种新型预膜剂    2
1.2.1 预膜剂的现状    2
1.2.2 几种新型的预膜剂    4
1.3预膜剂的预膜    4
1.4低磷预膜剂的选择    5
1.4.1羟基乙又二膦酸(HEDP)    5
1.4.2低磷聚合物W 一1    5
1.4.3新型多元醇磷酸酯PAPE    5
1.4.4新型磺酸共聚物P一5    5
1.4.5氨基磺酸    6
1.4.6清洗预膜荆最隹组成确定    6
1.5本课题的研究目的    6
2 实验部分    7
2.1 主要原料与仪器设备    7
2.1.1 主要原料    7
2.1.2 仪器设备    7
2.2 实验溶液的初步配制    7
2.2.1   3g/L磷酸钠溶液的配制    7
2.2.2   2.5g/L三聚磷酸钠溶液的配制    7
2.2.3   2.5g/L751偏磷酸钠溶液的配制    7
2.2.4   3g/L七水合硫酸锌溶液的配制    7 低磷预膜剂的研制+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_3119.html