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时间:2018-06-06 18:06来源:毕业论文

实验结果表明光催化氧化法的最佳条件为:选用改性二氧化钛替代P25作为催化剂,在汞灯的照射下,采取“暗反应1h+光照3h”的复合工艺,pH为弱酸性(6.2左右)、催化剂用量为1g/l,该条件下处理制药废水COD的去除率达到52.9%。此外,采用改性二氧化钛光催化氧化法与芬顿氧化法相比,废水COD的去除率高出近10个百分点 。
毕业论文关键词: TiO2;高级氧化;制药废水;COD去除率;光催化氧化法
 Pharmaceutical wastewater of high concentration by photocatalytic oxidation process
Abstract: This paper says that use the modified TiO2 as a catalyst of photocatalytic oxidation treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater has carried on the preliminary research. The effects of the variety of light source, the selection of catalyst, concentration of wastewater, the dosage of the catalyst, illumination time, dark reaction and pH value on the influence of the pharmaceutical wastewater COD removal, and compared the photocatalytic oxidation technology and fenton oxidation process used in pharmaceutical wastewater treatment effect.
The experimental results show that: the best condition of photocatalytic oxidation process for choose alternative P25 modified titanium dioxide as catalyst, under the irradiation of mercury lamp, take "dark reaction 1 h + light 3 h" composite process, for weakly acidic pH (6.2), catalyst dosage is 1 g/l, under the condition of the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater COD removal rate reached 52.9%. In addition, using modified titanium dioxide photocatalytic oxidation method compared with fenton oxidation process, the COD removal rate of nearly 10%.
Keywords: TiO2;Advanced Oxidation;Pharmaceutical wastewater
1 绪论    1
1.1 概述    1
1.2 制药废水的分类    1
1.3 制药废水水质特征    1
1.4 制药废水处理方法    1
1.4.1 制药废水的物化处理方法    1
1.4.2 制药废水的化学处理方法    2
1.4.3 制药废水生化处理方法    5
1.5 光催化氧化处理法    6
1.5.1 TiO2光催化剂作用原理    6
1.5.2 二氧化钛光催化氧化法的应用    7
1.6 二氧化钛光催化氧化法的优点    8
2 材料与方法    9
2.1 仪器及装置    9
2.2 实验材料    12
2.2.1 试剂    12
2.2.2 仪器及型号    12
2.3 实验方法    13
2.3.1 实验前的准备工作    13
2.3.2 试验方法    13
2.4 分析方法    13
2.4.1 COD快速消解测量方法介绍    13
2.4.2 计算方法    14
3 结果与讨论    15
3.1 光源的影响    15
3.2 催化剂的影响    16
3.3 废水浓度的影响    17
3.4 催化剂添加量的影响    18
3.5 光照时间的影响    20
3.6 pH值的影响    21
3.7 暗反应的影响    22
3.8 暗反应在光催化工艺中的意义    23
3.9 与传统芬顿反应的对比    24
4 结论与展望    25
4.1 结论    26
4.2 展望    27 采用光催化氧化工艺处理高浓度制药废水的研究:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_17087.html