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时间:2018-03-28 14:47来源:毕业论文

关键词  涂料  大豆蛋白  阻燃作用 
Study on retardant properties of soy protein coatings
In this article, the retardant properties of fire-proof soybean protein coatings prepared by adding several types of inorganic flame retardant, including magnesium series, phosphorous-nitrogen series, boron-zinc series and their mixture in different doses were researched, and the effect of addictive process of flame retardant on retardant properties was investigated too. A vertical combustion test according to the national standard “Test method for burning behavior of flame-retardant paper and board” was conducted among the paper samples coated with the obtained fire-proof soybean protein coatings, which determined flaming combustion time, flameless combustion time and char length of the samples. With these parameters, the flame retardant properties of coatings were evaluated and compared. It was found that the compound use of zinc borate and ammonium polyphosphate could bring the coating the best flame-retardant ability.
Key words     coating,   soybean protein,   flame retardant
目次    1
1  绪论    1
1.1  背景介绍    1
1.2  防火涂料    2
1.2.1 防火涂料的阻燃机理    2
1.2.2  防火涂料的分类    2
1.3  主要阻燃剂类型    3
1.3.1 含卤阻燃剂    3
1.3.2 有机磷系阻燃剂    4
1.3.3 氮系阻燃剂    6
1.3.4 硼系阻燃剂    7
1.3.5 其他无机阻燃剂    7
1.4  本课题的研究目的及主要研究内容    8
1.4.1 本课题的研究目的    8
1.4.2 本课题的主要研究内容    8
1.4.3 采用的实验研究思路    9
2  实验部分    10
2.1 实验方法    10
2.1.1  实验原辅材料及仪器    10
2.1.2 大豆蛋白涂料的制备方法    10
2.2  涂料阻燃性能测试方法    12
2.2.1  试样制备    12
2.2.2 试样灼烧    13
2.2.3  炭化长度测量    13
2.2.4  阻燃效果优劣评定    14
3  结果与分析    16
3.1  空白纸张与空白试样结果    16
3.2  MgCl2阻燃性能测试    16
3.3  (NH4)2HPO4阻燃性能测试    18
3.4  APP01阻燃性能测试    20
3.5  ZB01阻燃性能测试    22
3.6  ZnCl2阻燃性能测试    24
3.7  阻燃剂复合使用    26
结  论    28
致  谢    29
参考文献    30
1  绪论
1.1  背景介绍
随着时代的发展,城市化的逐步推进,人民生活水平的不断提高,各类高层建筑大面积出现,在为人们提供了更多商业、文化、娱乐场所的同时,也加大了对发生火灾时的救灾难度。据统计,2012年全国共发生火灾11万起(不含森林、草原、军队、矿井地下部分火灾),死亡1123人,受伤582人,直接财产损失12.5亿元。这样的社会现状要求建筑物本身具有一定的防火阻燃能力,防火涂料于是应运而生。 大豆蛋白涂料的阻燃性能研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/huaxue/lunwen_12034.html