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时间:2017-06-16 17:16来源:毕业论文

关键词:轿车工业   红旗轿车   自主品牌  经营发展
Language Learning
Abstract :With the development of economic globalization and integration, the competition of China's automobile market is particularly fierce, having high-value brand become the most important competitive advantages in the automotive industry. Along with global auto giants, China's automobile entered the era of brand competition,developing of China's independent automobile brands is the primary task.Chinese market has entered a period of steady growth after nearly a decade of rapid growth, but the car manufacturers production capacity has expanded dramatically,the car market competition will become more intense.In this case,China's independent automobile brands should learn from the successful experience of foreign famous automobile brand,and I want to solve the problem of Createing our own brand automobile,implementing brand management strategy and speeding up the construction of China's independent brand car.
Key Words:automobile industry;Red Flag Sedan;independent brands;management strategy
一、    绪论    1
(一)    选题背景及问题提出    1
(二)    研究目的及意义    1
二、    自主品牌理论概述    2
三、    我国轿车工业自主品牌的发展现状    3
(一)    我国轿车工业自主品牌的兴起与发展    3
1、    第一阶段(1958-1978),有高起点,但没发展    3
2、    第二阶段(1978-1999),合资大热,自主沦陷    3
3、    第三阶段(1999-2009),再度归来,自主发光    4
(二)    我国轿车工业自主品牌的现状    5
四、    我国轿车工业的自主品牌——红旗轿车    6
(一)    中国第一轿车集团公司与红旗轿车概况    6
(二)    红旗轿车的SWOT分析    6
1、    Strength优势:    6
2、    Weakness 劣势:    7
3、    Opportunity 机会:    7
4、    Threaten 威胁:    7
五、    红旗轿车与我国轿车自主品牌发展中所遇问题    8
(一)    产品生产存在不足    8
1、    产品性能不佳    8
2、    车型缺乏创意    8
3、    缺乏核心技术    9
4、    缺乏技术创新    9
(二)    品牌发展不力    10
1、    品牌战略缺失    10 我国轿车工业自主品牌的发展之路:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_9247.html