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时间:2021-08-14 19:55来源:毕业论文

摘要GPS 控制网具有多个优点。载波相位测量,观测结果精度比较高;各测量点 之间不必互相通视,可以比较灵活地选择控制点的位置;可以一整天不间断地进 行 GPS 测量,能够使测量工作更加具有计划性;观测时间短,可以快速获取数 据; GPS 测量实行的是仪器自动记录数据,自动化程度比较高。GPS 控制网设计 既要符合精度和可靠性的要求,又要实现成本最低原则,所以控制网的优化设计 显得格外重要。70787

本文基于对 GPS 控制网设计与数据处理问题的研究,探讨 GPS 控制网的技 术设计要求,结合平时的实习经验对测区进行控制网设计。然后,对野外采集的 数据进行基线解算和网平差,并对基线解算和网平差的结果进行分析。

该论文有图 17 幅,表 9 个,参考文献 13 篇。

毕业论文关键词:控制网 技术设计 数据处理 结果分析

Design and Data Processing of GPS Control Network

Abstract GPS control net has many advantages. Carrier phase measurement, observation accuracy is relatively high; between the measurement points do not have to each other and can flexibly select the position of control points; can all day without interruption of GPS measurement, the measurement work with more planned; observation time is short, quick access to data; GPS measurement is the instrument of automatic data recording, degree of automation is relatively high. GPS control network design not only to meet the requirements of accuracy and reliability, but also to achieve the lowest cost principle, so the optimal design of control network is particularly important.

Based on the research of GPS control network design and data processing, this paper discusses the technical design requirements of GPS control network, combined with the usual practice experience to control network design. Then, the data collected in the field is calculated and the net adjustment is carried out, and the results of the baseline solution and the adjustment of the network are analyzed.

This paper has 17 figures, 9 tables, 13 references.

Key Words: control network technical design data processing result analysis


Abstract II

1 1

2 GPS 静态测量的精度要求及布网方式 2

2.1 GPS 测量的精度指标 2

2.2 GPS 网的图形设计 3

2.2.1 GPS 网形设计的一般原则 3

2.2.2 GPS 网的链接方式 4

2.3 GPS 控制网设计及外业数据采集 5

2.3.1 测区概况 5

2.3.2 选点与埋设标志 5

2.3.3 测区控制网设计 6

2.3.4 外业观测 7

2.3.5 GPS控制网设计与数据处理结果分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_80176.html
