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时间:2021-07-29 21:10来源:毕业论文



Abstract: In today's increasingly powerful digital revolution is affecting every aspect of people's lives, the emergence and rapid development of a variety of new media is changing the media forms, affecting almost all sectors. In such an era, the brand sports industry can not ignore the role of the new media. In the background of the new media, traditional marketing methods need to follow this trend for change and innovation. In this context, study sports brand marketing in the new media background is particularly important. This article is to focus on sports marketing this new concept to launch, first elaborated the concept of sports brand marketing, and sports specific analysis pointed out problems in the development of brand marketing, brand marketing Finally, the sports development strategy.

Keywords: New media environment, sports brand, marketing strategy, Li Ning


目  录

一、引言 4

二、新媒体环境及体育品牌营销概述 4

(一)新媒体环境概述 4

(二)体育品牌营销概述 4

三、新媒体环境下体育品牌营销策略的具体表现 5

(一)广泛运用新媒体资源策略 5

(二)把握新媒体目标受众策略 5

(三)创新多种营销方式策略 5

四、新媒体环境下体育品牌营销策略存在的问题 6

(一)不够广泛运用新体资源 6

(二)不够深入了解新媒体受众 6

(三)未能掌握营销方式的核心 6

五、新媒体环境下体育品牌营销策略的实现途径 6

(一)营销组合:4P策略的有效拓展 6

(二)营销目标:市场细分策略的把握 8

(三)营销方式:多种营销策略的综合运用 9

结语 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12


新媒体的出现摆脱了传统媒体的桎梏,用它无比的优越性为媒体谱写了新的时代篇章,带动了三网互融,为各行各业带来了全新的发展。体育产业也不可避免的感受到其巨大的冲击力,在开拓体育品牌、发展市场、策划和营销的方面借助新媒体之势,使得产业各方面获得长足发展。本文从对体育品牌之概念的阐释开始,梳理其背景,对新媒体环境下的行业营销给出了一点自己的思考。 新媒体环境下体育品牌李宁营销策略研究+4P策略:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_78996.html
