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时间:2021-05-31 21:17来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Along with the development of the era of film and TV tourism innovation, in this context can greatly promote the development of tourism in Suzhou.Suzhou is advantageous in the development of movie and TV tourism has a long history and culture, film and television can become the main development of Suzhou tourism marketing way, and can create huge benefits to help the development of its tourism industry. From Suzhou development of film and television tourism macro background and its itself is rich in two aspects of film and television tourism resources to display the huge potential for development of film and television tourism in Suzhou, thus put forward the measures of film and TV tourism development of Suzhou, including the government's support, the propaganda and protection of culture, and targeted and innovative development of movie and TV tourism in Suzhou.

Keywords:Suzhou,movie and TV tourism,cultural industry,development


1  前言 3

2  影视旅游研究文献综述 3

3  苏州影视旅游的开发分析 3

3.1  苏州旅游环境概况 3

3.2  苏州开发影视旅游的必要性 4

3.3  苏州开发影视旅游的可行性 6

5  苏州影视旅游的开发措施 8

5.1  加大政府对苏州影视旅游的政策扶持力度 8

5.2  重点保护并宣传苏州影视旅游的真实形象 8

5.3  对苏州进行特色化与多元化开发 9

   5.4  为苏州影视旅游披上神秘的“文化面纱” 9

   5.5  有针对性和创新性的开发苏州影视旅游产品 10

结论 11

参考文献 12

致  谢 13

1  前言

    影视旅游作为影视与旅游的交叉产物,也被称为“电影引致旅游”,是以影视拍摄、制作的全过程以及与影视相关的事物为吸引物的旅游活动,从本质上说影视旅游作为一种新型的专项旅游形式,是影视业和旅游业发展到一定阶段的必然结果,同时也是具有极大发展潜力的旅游活动[1]。影视旅游主要有三种存在形式:第一,拍摄自然外景地或影视故事的发生地;第二,建设影视主题公园,从最初的通过人造景观来拍摄影视到如今逐步成为游客的参观游览地;第三,举办影视艺术节,通过电影节的开幕仪式吸引全国各地游客前往游览观光,有效地提升当地旅游业的发展效益。在如今的互联网时代,影视剧的传播正呈现多渠道的态势,观看影视和外出旅游已成为现代生活获得精神愉悦的最佳方式,“跟着影视去旅游”也悄然兴起。 苏州影视旅游文化产业开发:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_76177.html
