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时间:2021-05-29 11:30来源:毕业论文

摘 要 :  随着现在淮安经济的不断增长,人们没有把太多的心思花在吃上,而是越来越把目光放在外表服饰上。因此近年来淮安服装市场发展非常迅速,男装市场也是如此,男装市场细分化程度不断增高,产品附加值也增高,行业竞争日益激烈。目前淮安市面上男装品牌众多,各商家通过各种营销策略,希望在淮安市场占有一席之地、生产规模等方面形成了一定优势。本文以海澜之家为例,分析海澜之家在淮安市场上在营销方面的现状,从而探讨出海澜之家在营销方面存在的不足,并采取有效的措施。这不仅有助于海澜之家的进一步发展,也更有利于海澜之家在竞争激烈的服装行业中形成自己独特的特色与优势,在竞争激烈的淮安市场占有自己的一席之地。67626


Abstract Now with the Huaian economic increasing, people do not put too much time in eating, but more and more people focus on the appearance of clothing.  In recent years,  Huai an clothing market  is developing rapidly, the men's clothing market is so, the men's market differentiation degree increasing, the added value of the products is increased , the fierce competition in the industry is increasing .  At present on the market in Huai an menswear brands,   the business through a variety of marketing strategies, the formation of certain advantages through possession of a space for one person in the Huaian market, the scale of production. In this paper, the sea orchid house as an example, analysis of sea orchid house market of Huaian in the aspects of marketing, so as to explore the sea orchid house problems exist in marketing ,  and take effective measures .  It  is  not  only  helpful  to  the  further development of Hai lan  home ,  but also more conducive to sea orchid house formed its own unique characteristics and advantages in the fierce competition in the apparel industry occupies a space for one person ,  their own in the fierce competition in the market of Huai an

Keywords: Hailan home, Marketing strategy, Measures

目 录

1  引 言 3

2  淮安男装市场近况以及发展趋势 3

2.1  淮安男装市场近况 3

2.2  淮安男装市场的主要的品牌 4

2.3  消费者的品牌选择 4

3  淮安“海澜之家”的营销现状 4

3.1  “海澜之家”的概况 4

3.2  “海澜之家”的品牌形象 4

3.3  “海澜之家”的宣传途径 5

3.4  “海澜之家”的发展速度 5

3.5  “海澜之家”的营销模式 6

4  “海澜之家”在营销方面存在的问题分析 6

4.1  产品策略不全面 6

4.2  价格策略不够灵活 8

4.3  渠道管理过死 9

4.4  促销方式过于传统 10

5  海澜之家营销策略建议 10

5.1  全面的产品策略 11

5.2  差异定价与优惠定价相结合 海澜之家营销策略研究与分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_75873.html
