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时间:2021-01-14 20:34来源:毕业论文

摘要:喀什所具有的浓厚的民族风情,使它成为了一座独具特色的城市。而喀什市的高台民又是喀什众多景点中的具有代表性的、拥有其独特的民族特色的建筑。高台民居潜藏着丰富的资源,包括民族的文化背景、民俗风情、独特技艺、建筑本身的独特魅力等,都充分的显示了高台民居对当地文化产业发展的重要性。高台民居本身具有的特点也为我们更好的认识与了解,并对其进行深入开发提供了条件。对高台民居的研究与开发有利于提升当地的旅游业水平、形成喀什独特的旅游路线,以及对于形成属于喀什特有的城市魅力都有着极大的帮助。高台民居的深度开发不仅可以促进当地的经济发展,还可以打造喀什的城市品牌。因此,本文以喀什的高台民居为例,对其进行深入系统的研究,挖掘其内涵、了解其现状,找出高台民居开发的独到之处并对其不足之处进行分析,使高台民居的文化资源能够得到充分的利用,促进喀什当地的文化与旅游业同步发展。  62133


Protection and Development of the Terraced Households

Abstract:Kashgar has special folk custom which make kashgar an unique city. And the Terraced Households of Kashgar is the most representative national architecture with its unique characteristics. There are loads of attractions in the Terraced Households, including the national cultural atmosphere, customs, unique craftwork, exotic architecture, etc. And they all indicate the importance of the Terraced Households on the local cultural industry development. The characteristics of the Terraced Households also help us gain a better understanding of its further development. The research and development of it is conducive to boost the development of local tourism industry, construct tourist trails and develop Kashgar’s unique features. The development of the Terraced Households can not only promote the local economy development but also help Kashgar forge its own city brand. Therefore, the author takes the Terraced Households as an example to research Kashgar systematically, to discover the problems during the research, to acquire detailed information of the current situation, and find out the Terraced Households’ resources research’s merits and demerits in order to correct the demerits and promote the development of Kashgar’s local culture and tourism simultaneously.

KeyWords: the Terraced Households; protection; development


一、绪论 1

(一) 论文的意义及目的 1

(二) 国内外研究现状 1

(三) 本文研究的主要内容 2

二、高台民居概述 2

(一) 喀什概述 2

1、 地理历史环境 2

2、 社会经济发展现状 3

(二) 高台民居概述 3

1、 高台民居形成的自然原因 3

2、 高台民居的文化资源特色 3

三、高台民居的保护 7

(一) 高台民居的保护现状 7

1、 高台民居保护的相关政策与法律的缺失 7

2、 原住民生存环境恶劣 8

3、 民俗文化与传统技艺的保护与传承面临挑战 10

(二) 高台民居保护的对策建议 喀什高台民居的保护与开发:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_68226.html
