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时间:2020-11-04 09:40来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Due to the worrying situation of weary between the contemporary college students, this study wanted to understand the situation from the weariness of college students start to explore the correlation between mental weariness and general self-efficacy, for the adjustment of college students active learning psychology to provide evidence. This study selected Huaiyin Normal University students as subjects, the use of "Learning Burnout Questionnaire" and "general self-efficacy questionnaire", surveyed 60 college students. The results show that college students' learning burnout psychological differences in gender and professional respect no significant aspects of self-efficacy, boys scored higher than girls, but the difference was not statistically significant, after the general self-efficacy, learning burnout and each factor correlation analysis found that general self-efficacy and learning burnout and three factors were significantly negatively correlated, that is, the higher the level of students' self-efficacy, learning the lower burnout levels.

Keywords: college student ,weary ,learning burnout ,self-efficacy

1 引言 3

2 研究设计 4

2.1 研究对象 4

2.2 研究方法 4

2.3 研究工具 4

2.4 研究程序 4

3 结果分析 5

3.1 大学生自我效能感、学习倦怠的现状 5

3.1.1 对大学生学习倦怠问卷的得分的描述性统计 5

3.1.2 自我效能感在性别、专业方面的调查差异 5

3.1.3 学习倦怠3因子在性别、专业方面的调查差异 5

3.2 对大学生学习倦怠与自我效能感的相关分析 6

4 讨论 6

4.1 大学生自我效能感的总体情况 6

4.2 大学生学习倦怠方面的总体情况 7

4.3 大学生学习倦怠与自我效能感的关系状况 7

4.4 有关大学生自我效能感对消除学生厌学心理的意义 8

结论 9

参考文献 10

致谢 11

1 引言

厌学是指学生对学习感到厌倦的心理现象,是学生对学校的学习生活不能满足自己需要而产生的一种不满意、不愉快、厌烦学习生活的情绪体验。具有厌学心理的学生是指那些对学习认识存在偏差、情感上消极、行为上远离学习活动的学生。邢乃愈等人的研究表明,导致大学生厌学的外部条件固然需要得到改善,但认真研究分析厌学大学生自身的原因并提出改进措施对解决问题将更加积极有效。[ ] 当代大学生厌学心理与自我效能感的相关关系研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_64132.html
