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时间:2020-10-13 21:28来源:毕业论文

摘  要:为了吸引更多的消费者,满足其精神需求,增加自身的竞争优势,各影城相关部门开始普遍采用网上管理系统,推出了在线购票服务。为了探究电影院在线购票在消费者群体中能够普遍实行的可能性,本文主要对宜兴万达影城的部分消费者在线购票意愿的影响因素做抽样问卷调查。文章运用了spss19.0相关统计软件对消费者在线购票意愿的影响因素作实证分析。根据分析得出结论:消费者在线购票的认识,感知影城形象,感知优惠价格,感知质量,感知风险等变量是影响消费者在线购票意愿的主要影响因素,据此提出几点营销管理建议。57874


Abstract: So as to draw more customers, to meet their spiritual needs, and to increase their own competitive advantages, the cinema relevant departments began extensive use of computer management system launched an online movie tickets booking service. To explore the possibility of online cinema tickets in consumer groups can be adopted widely, this paper mainly focuses on the part of Yi Xing Wanda Studios ' consumers regarding the influence factors of their online ticket purchase wishes to do a sampling survey. Using spss19.0 statistical software empirical analysis on affecting factors of consumers ' online purchase intention. According to the analysis concluded that consumer awareness of online ticketing, perception cinema image, perception price, perceived quality, and perceived risk are the main factors affecting the will of consumer online purchase. Based on the findings, the paper presented in several marketing management proposals.

Key words: Yi Xing Wanda cinema, tickets online, purchase intention, countermeasures

1  引言 3

研究方法以及数据来源 3

2.1  变量的确定 3

2.2 问卷量表设计 4

2.3  数据的来源 5

3  数据分析 5

3.1  样本描述性分析及问题分析 5

3.2  信度与效度分析 9

3.3  相关分析 10

4  对策建议 14

4.1  进行有效沟通,加强顾客在线购票认知 14

4.2  维护顾客利益,提升顾客感知影城形象 14

4.3  有效控制成本,合理制定票价 15

4.4  增加便利程度,提高在线购票的感知质量 16

结论 17

参考文献 18

致谢 19

附录 20


1  引言

中国第33次《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至2013年12月底,我国网民规模达到6.18亿,较2012年底增加5358万人,互联网普及率为45.8%[1]。回顾往年的电影市场,高票房的电影层出不穷,电影产业的巨大潜力成为消费者关注的焦点,体现在观众观影热情的逐年上涨,但在线购票市场占有率却不到10%。经过了解,现如今在宜兴已实现在线购票的电影院仅有6家。随着电影产业逐渐走向成熟,观影人数越来越多,电影业急需要寻求更快捷,更方便的信息发布渠道和支付方式,电影业网上购票必然成为当今发展的趋势。 万达影城消费者在线购票意愿的影响因素研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_62743.html
