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时间:2020-10-13 19:15来源:毕业论文

摘 要:在高速发展的信息化时代,网络的兴起引领各行各业的技术革新,带来便利的同时也改变我们的生活方式。各大网站的建立,互联网网民的增加,兴起的网络购物一改传统的购物方式。大学生代表着新生代的能量,是商家营销的目标。与此同时在学术界,掀起一场研究影响消费者网络购物行为因素的热潮。本文基于消费者行为学理论和多位学者的研究理论,设计调查问卷,调查对象是扬州大学的在校大学生。文章通过发送问卷的形式,收集、统计数据,围绕网购中存在的影响因素定性分析影响大学生淘宝网购的行为,发现淘宝网购存在的不足并提出营销启示。本文是站在大学生的角度提出改善措施,让淘宝网络购物更加适应大学生网购行为的需求,推动淘宝网络购物的发展。57821


Abstract:At the rapid development of information age, the emerging of network has led to the technological innovation of different industries. It not only brings us convenience but also changes the way of our life. As the establishment of major websites and the increasing of website   users, the emerging online shopping has changed the way of traditional shopping. College students represent the new generation and also are the marketing goals of business. At the same time, it launched a research boom about the factors of consumer online shopping behavior in the academic world. This paper is based on the theory of consumer behavior and theoretical study of many scholars to design the questionnaire. The survey object is the students in Yangzhou University. This paper makes a qualitative analysis on Taobao online shopping behavior of college students around the influencing factors, and collects statistics by sending questionnaires. The paper finds the disadvantages of Taobao online shopping and gets marketing implications. The paper puts forward improvement measures in the view of college students, making Taobao shopping network adapt to the demand of college students online shopping behavior, and promotes the development of Taobao shopping network.

Keywords:college students, online shopping, consumer behaviors, influencing factors

目 录

1  引言 3

2  研究理论基础 3

3  问卷调查基本情况 4

4  问卷分析 4

4.1  样本统计特征分析 5

4.2  商品因素对大学生网购行为的影响 6

4.3  店铺因素对大学生网购行为的影响 9

4.4  物流因素对大学生网购行为的影响 10

4.5  网站因素对大学生网购行为的影响 12

5 基于对影响因素研究结果的营销启示 14

5.1  提高商品真实性保障大学生权益 14

5.2  规范商家经营加强市场监管 14

5.3  建立针对大学生快捷便利的物流通道 14

5.4  完善淘宝网站的服务 15

结论 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18

附录 19 

1  引言

在高速发展的信息化时代,网络的兴起引领各行各业的技术革新,带来便利的同时也改变我们的生活方式。各大网站的建立、网民的增加,商家把握机遇开发新兴市场满足消费者多样化需求,形成特有的互联网络经济。伴随经济科技的发展,生活水平的提高,个人计算机的普及,淘宝购物网站的出现改变传统购物方式,为网络购物的实现打下基础。 大学生淘宝网购行为影响因素分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_62666.html
