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时间:2020-06-22 19:54来源:毕业论文

摘要随着我国经济的高速发展,人民生活水平的提高, 汽车成为一种普遍的交通工具进入寻常百姓家,带动了汽车驾驶培训行业经济的迅猛发展。驾培市场供求矛盾不断激化,市场庞大而混乱,关于教练员失职的负面新闻层出不穷。本文通过采用人员访谈和问卷调查的方法主要从绩效考核和薪酬两方面对驾校教练员激励机制进行研究,发现目前驾校由于缺乏完善的绩效考评体系和薪酬体系致使教练员薪酬水平总体低下、缺乏考核监管、绩效考核结果难以应用。文章主要从完善绩效考评制度、薪酬制度,和其他管理制度方面提出几项合理化建议,为驾校服务水平的提高提供借鉴。51505


The study on the Incentive mechanism of driving coaches

Abstract With the rapid development of China's economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the automobile has become a common means of transportation into the ordinary people, and develop the economy of driving training industry. With the intensified of Supply and demand contradiction in driving training market, the market is large and chaotic, the negative news about coaches of emerge in endlessly. In this paper I research the incentive mechanism of driving coacher through the method of interviews and questionnaire survey mainly from two aspects of performance appraisal and compensation. And found that due to the lack of perfect performance evaluation system and compensation system, the coaches overall pay level is low, lack of inspection supervision, and the performance appraisal results was difficult to application. In this paper I put forward several reasonable Suggestions from improve the system of performance evaluation, compensation system, and other management system, for driving the improvement of service level in driving training school. 

Keywords: driving training school;coaches;Incentive mechanism

目  录

0 引言 1

1相关概念及理论 2

1.1驾校教练员 2

1.2 激励机制 2

1.3 相关理论 3

2 驾校教练员激励机制的现状及存在的问题 4

2.1 驾校教练员激励机制现状分析 4

2.2 驾校教练员激励机制存在的问题 7

3 驾校教练员激励机制的优化 9

3.1构建完善的绩效评估体系 9

3.2构建合理的薪酬体系 10

3.3其他管理制度的优化 12

结    论 13

致    谢 15

参考文献 - 16 -

附录:薪酬满意度调查表 - 17 -


0 引言

随着我国市场经济的高速发展,人民生活水平的提高,交通运输、公共服务设施的完善,我国汽车工业迅猛地发展起来,汽车成为一种快速、高效、易得的交通工具进入了人们的日常生活中。考驾照热拉动汽车驾驶培训行业经济的迅猛发展,汽车驾驶培训市场出现了供不应求的现象,并逐渐转变为卖方市场。驾驶培训机构在市场中处于有利地位,学员没有选择的主动权,而驾驶培训机构只关心数量,忽视了质量。汽车驾驶培训机构管理制度、教学设施、技术质量参差不齐,导致驾校教练员与驾驶培训机构、学员与驾校教练员的矛盾不断升级。学员在学习驾驶期间遭受恶劣态度、语言攻击、人格侮辱甚至人身攻击,却没有途径维护自身权益。许多教练员打着帮助学员练车的幌子,借助学员担心考试能否通过的心理,直接或间接向学员索要财物,学员碍于通过考试的压力,只能选择服从。大多数教练员虽然取得了教练资格证书,但是综合素质低下:工作态度毫不友善、缺乏与人沟通的能力、传授知识的能力不足、对学员不负责任,导致培训出来的学员无法通过考试,或者即使通过考试也不能完全掌握驾驶技巧,在行车途中接连发生意外,给公共交通环境带来极大的危害。 驾校教练员激励机制研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_55147.html
