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时间:2020-05-23 14:38来源:毕业论文



The study of Aidiya Rubber Products Co.,Ltd’s design of organizational structure


The organizational structure is the frame structure of the business operation, and the basis for survival and development of enterprise. In this paper, the theory and methods of the organizational structure is applied to analyze the organizational structure of the Aidiya Rubber Products Co.,Ltd. Through the study of the current situation of Aidiya Rubber Products Co.,Ltd ,It appears that Aidiya Rubber Products Co.,Ltd carry out a high degree of centralized management, effective communication and exchange is lacked between senior managers and middle managers, besides the standardization and institutionalization of the management is lower. The root cause of these problems lies in the design of Aidiya Rubber Products Co.,Ltd’s organizational structure system. The excessive concentration of power leads to lower flexibility of the company's overall operation, and poor ability to adapt to the external environment. For the current problems appeared in Aidiya Rubber Products Co.,Ltd, the adjustments that putting part of the decentralization to subordinates are made on the basis of current organizational structure, so that the subordinates have more power to make decisions. In addition, taking full advantage of the knowledge and skills of personnel can enhance the overall operating efficiency of organization.

Keywords: organizational structure; organizational change; business strategy

目  录

0引言 1

1国内外组织结构理论综述 1

1.1 西方组织结构理论 1

1.2 国内组织结构理论 3

2埃迪亚公司企业组织结构现状分析 4

2.1 组织结构现状 4

2.2 现有企业组织结构所存在的缺陷分析 7

3制约企业组织结构变革的因素分析 8

3.1 企业的经营战略 8

3.2组织结构的技术与人员因素 9

4埃迪亚公司企业组织结构的改进方案 11

4.1 职能设计 11

4.2管理幅度与层次设计 12

4.3 集权与分权设计 14

4.4 部门设计 14

结论 17

致谢 18

参考文献 19



21世纪以来,随着世界经济的迅速发展和科学技术的不断进步,企业组织结构发生了巨大变化。由于知识经济的兴起和信息革命的推动,传统的企业经营意识和管理观念受到强烈冲击,也使得企业组织结构变革活动异常活跃。组织结构设计是为了有效地实现组织目的而形成工作分工与协作关系的策划和安排过程,即用以帮助达到组织目的的有关角色、职务、权力、责任、流程、信息沟通、利益等的正式安排。在分析确立企业的基本目标和宗旨的基础上,明确企业的基本战略和核心能力,设计公司的组织架构,明确各部门的使命与职责、岗位设置和职责及人员编制,建立清晰的权力体系,明确组织决策和冲突解决的规则或制度,建立各部门、各关键责任人的考核与激励机制,梳理公司基本业务流程和管理流程,并建立公司的内部协调和控制体系。 埃迪亚橡胶制品公司组织结构设计研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_52433.html
