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时间:2020-05-19 21:14来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:中小企业; 物流SWOT分析; 物流战略 

The Competitive Strategy of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in the Logistics Industry


  China's small and medium-sized enterprises in the logistics operation level is still in the relatively backward stage. The development of the market economy, the competition between enterprises also increased, and the level of enterprise logistics level directly determines the competitiveness of an enterprise, so the current our country small and medium-sized enterprise urgent need for their own logistics competition strategy. In this paper use the methods of SWOT to analyze the advantages and disadvantages faced by small and medium-sized enterprises of our country in the logistics industry, the introduction of case analysis, find out the specific problems, small and medium-sized enterprises should establish logistics strategic thought put forward, and it is pointed out that the improvement of the overall level of logistics of our country small and medium-sized enterprises also need the joint efforts of the whole society In several ways.

Key Words: Small and medium sized enterprises; SWOT analysis of logistics; logistics strategy



一  前言.1





二 我国中小企业物流发展现状..8



三 中小企业物流SWOT分析..8





四 以徐州天艺钢结构有限公司为例浅析中小企业的物流竞争战略12






五 发展中小企业的物流竞争战略..16







六 完善物流行业19





七 结论.21


一  前言


    在当今的社会经济快速发展的大环境下,民营中小企业在国民经济中正发挥着愈发重要的作用。尤其是近年来,民营中小企业的发展对推动地方经济发展、扩大地方财政、增加就业岗位和促进社会主义和谐社会建设更是发挥了举足轻重的作用。目前我国的中小企业已经超过800万家,占全国企业总数的99%,其工业产值、实现利税和出口总额分别占全国的60%、40%和60%,解决75%的城镇就业人口[1]。除此之外,随着逐步增强的全球经济一体化,面对着日渐透明和激烈的市场竞争,对于在我国国民经济中占有很大一部分比例的中小企业而言,物流也将会是中小企业的竞争新热点。 中小企业在物流业中的竞争战略+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_52143.html
