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时间:2020-03-20 21:24来源:毕业论文

摘要近些年,第三方 B2C电子商务平台大量涌现,竞争日趋激烈。对于第三方B2C平台而言,面临着提升平台实力以加强综合竞争力适应市场需求,在激烈的竞争中获得更多优质商家入驻以便进一步争取消费者市场的压力。同时,对希望入驻某一电商平台的商家来说,在选择合适的第三方B2C电子商务平台时面临着艰难决策,以及在做出选择后对平台保持长久和信任和忠诚也显得十分困难。平台与商家之间的关系密切影响双方的利益,提升入驻商家对第三方B2C平台的忠诚度十分必要,而平台通过哪些方面提升入驻商家的信赖与忠诚则是本文的研究重点。46795


In recent years, large numbers of third-party B2C e-commerce platform, competition is becoming increasingly fierce. For third-party B2C platform, faced with how to consolidate and enhance their platform to enhance the overall competitiveness advantages to meet market demand for more quality businesses to take further steps towards the issue settled in the consumer market in the fierce competition. Meanwhile, the electricity supplier wants to move the business to a platform, in the choice of an appropriate third party B2C e-commerce platform facing tough decisions, and in the choice of the platform and maintain long-term trust and loyalty also appears to be very difficult. Platform between businesses closely affect the interests of both sides to enhance the loyalty of third-party business settled B2C platform is necessary, and what platform to enhance its tenants by the trust and loyalty is the focus of this study.

毕业论文关键词:第三方电商平台; 企业间忠诚度; 商家与电商平台关系;

Keyword: Third-party electronic business platform;corporate loyalty; relationship with Business and the electronic business platform

目    录

1.绪论 5

1.1研究背景 5

1.2问题的提出 6

1.3研究目的与意义 6

1.4研究方法与技术路线 7

1.4.1研究方法 7

1.4.2技术路线 7

1.5创新点 8

1.5.1聚焦于电商企业 8

1.5.2数据论证 8

2. 文献综述 8

2.1关于第三方B2C电商平台的研究 8

2.2关于电商商家与电商平台相互关系的研究 9

2.3关于企业间的ECRM的研究 9

2.4小结 10

3.电商平台对入驻商家进行客户关系管理的必然性 10

3.1商家与电商平台的相关利益分析 10

3.2平台与商家的互动机制 11

3.2.1商家入驻平台的动机 11

3.2.2商家对平台的影响与作用 12

3.2.3商家与平台互动机制 12

3.3小结 13

4.影响商家的客户忠诚度模型的设计 13

4.1商家对电商平台忠诚度测量问项以及相应假设 13

4.1.1客户满意与客户忠诚度的关系假设 14

4.1.2客户信任与客户忠诚度的关系假设 第三方B2C电子商务平台天猫商城商家忠诚度研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_48598.html
