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时间:2020-03-04 09:53来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:农村民办幼儿园; 幼儿教师; 在职培训
The quality and level of preschool teachers is the key factor affecting the quality of preschool education. Improve the comprehensive quality of preschool teachers’ professional growth and speed up the important way is on-the-job training. In this paper, the preschool teachers as study group, to the Xinxi town of Shantou city as the research area, to understand the status quo of on-the-job training of rural private preschool teachers through a questionnaire survey. According to the survey results, the main problems identified are: training frequency is low, unable to meet the needs of teachers; training investment cost is low, less places; teachers' training needs cannot be fully met ; the training forms are single; assessment methods are not reasonable, the effect of poor.
In this paper, according to the survey results, on the on-the-job training of rural private preschool teachers’ problems, puts forward the following countermeasures: optimize the training contents; innovative the forms of training; to strengthen the system construction; enlarging the fund’s investment; improving the evaluation method.
Key words: Rural private preschool;Preschool teacher;On-the-job training
目    录
摘    要Ⅰ
㈠ 农村民办幼儿教师的基本情况 2
㈡ 农村民办幼儿教师在职培训存在的问题 3
二、存在问题的原因分析 6
㈠ 农村民办幼儿教师具有一定的特殊性 6
㈡ 农村民办幼儿园办学条件有限 7
㈢ 制度缺乏,管理不善  7
㈣ 农村民办幼儿园具有一定的盈利性 8
三、完善农村民办幼儿教师在职培训的对策 8
㈠ 优化培训内容 8
㈡ 创新培训形式 9
㈢ 加强制度建设 9
㈣ 加大经费投入 9
㈤ 完善考核方式 10
四、结    语 10
注    释 11
参考文献 11
致    谢 12
附  录 13
引    言
学前教育是国民教育体系的关键组成部分,是终身学习和全面发展的重要基础阶段。《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010—2020)》特别提出必须“重点发展农村学前教育”。在新时期,实现农村学前教育又好又快发展,大力提高农村学前教育水平,是统筹城乡发展、推进新型城镇化进程的一项重要任务。随着我国学前教育快速发展,民办学前教育已经成为学前教育重要组成部分。相关资料显示:“2010年,全国有民办园达到10.22万所,占总园数的68%。民办园在园幼儿为1399.46万人,占在园幼儿总人数的47%”①。幼儿教师的教育教学水平已经成为影响学前教育的质量与幼儿身心的健康发展的关键因素,提高幼儿教师的综合素质已经刻不容缓。当前, 除了通过全日制学校培养师资之外,幼儿教师在职培训是提升幼儿教师综合素质、加快幼儿教师专业成长的重要途径。 农村民办幼儿教师在职培训现状分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_47466.html