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时间:2019-11-22 22:01来源:毕业论文




WeChat effects on college students' interpersonal communication


Tencent launched WeChat since 2011, the software has been deeply by the masses, especially represented by college students of the younger generation.WeChat structures, a new type of interpersonal communication platform, for college students is not only a change in the way of communication, created a whole new way of interpersonal communication, more a lot of influence on college students' interpersonal communication.These effects have good and bad, on college students' future development has played a very important role.

In this paper, aiming at college students group, using the method of questionnaire survey, pick sojump as analysis tools in the statistical tools.Through the elaboration of the development history of WeChat, use the basic status of data collection, analysis and understanding of college students using WeChat basic situation of interpersonal communication, discusses WeChat specific influence on college students' interpersonal communication, and puts forward some feasible suggestion on these effects.

Key Words:WeChat  interpersonal communication  interpersonal relationship

 目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

一  导论 1

(一)研究背景与研究意义 1

(二)国内外研究现状 1

(三)研究思路与研究方法 2

(四)概念界定 3

二 大学生使用微信的现状以及微信人际交往情况分析 4

(一)大学生使用微信现状 4

(二)大学生微信人际交往情况 6

(三) 大学生对微信交友和现实好友的看法 8

1.大学生通过微信交友的频率和影响 8

三 微信对大学生人际交往产生的影响分析 11

(一)微信对大学生人际交往产生的积极影响 11

(二)微信对大学生人际交往产生的消极影响 14

四 关于引导大学生如何正确利用微信,构建和谐人际关系的建议 16

(一)利用微信的积极影响,使大学生人际关系得到提升 16

(二)提高大学校园文化,丰富大学生的现实文化生活 16

五 结语 17

参考文献 18

附录 微信对大学生人际交往的影响:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_42198.html
