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时间:2019-11-01 19:14来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键字: 公立医院;医生;年薪制;绩效考核
The Study on annual salary system in Chinese public hospital
Abstract:Purpose: This paper wants to comprehend doctors’ attitude to the annual salary system, who work in public hospital. This paper also wants to propose some suggestions to the annual salary system which is extending. Method: By researching literatures, this paper summed up public hospital’s salary system in different countries. Case study was done about the annual salary system in SanMing’s healthcare reform. Doctors who work in one of Shanghai’s community health service centers attended the questionnaire and interview, which are about their attitude to the current salary and the annual salary system. Result: Wage is used in most public hospitals, and for the sake of making up for doctors government will give them non-economic welfare,. Healthcare reform in SanMing has not reached the expect effect, and many doctors did not think their salary has any change. Doctors pay more attention to the standard of their salary then the change on salary form. Conclusion: Doctors are willing to accept the annual salary system. This paper suggests that government should increase investment in public hospital, raise the absolute and relative standard of doctors’ salary, and the level of doctors’ salary should be connected with the result of performance measurement, and government need to pay more attention on non-economic welfare.
Keywords: public hospital; doctors; annual salary system; performance measurement
 目 录
一、引言    1
(一)年薪制的概念及其特点    1
1、年薪制的定义    1
2、 年薪制的特点    1
(二) 研究背景    1
1、 我国现行公立医院薪酬制度存在的问题    2
2、 实行年薪制的必要性    3
(三) 研究目的及意义    3
二、 研究方法    5
(一) 文献研究法    5
(二) 案例分析法    5
(三) 问卷调查法    5
(四) 访谈法    6
三、 研究结果    7
(一) 文献研究结果    7
1、 公立医院经费来源    7
2、 公立医院薪酬制度    7
3、 公立医院医生绩效考核体系    7
4、 关注更多的非经济性福利    8
(二) 案例分析结果    8
1、 三明市公立医院医生薪酬制度改革措施    8
2、 三明市公立医院薪酬改革所取得的效果    8
3、 三明市公立医院薪酬制度改革后出现的问题    9
(三) 问卷调查结果    9
1、 调查对象的基本情况    9
2、 调查对象对现行薪酬制度的态度    10 我国公立医院医生年薪制研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_41945.html