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时间:2019-08-25 08:23来源:毕业论文

The grain logistics center location research of Naxi District
Abstract: As we know, Food has always been closely linked to the national life, its balance between supply and demand to the national development and social harmony. Therefore, food production, processing, supply, marketing, transport and trade of harmonious development of the country play a profound influence. The positive development of food-related industries plays a very important role to promote food transport, balance the food prices and accelerate national and regional economic growth. The grain logistics center is a great logistics infrastructure, it has a great influence on regional social economy and so on, and it need plan in detal before constructing. Among them, location of logistics center is an important part of the planning process, the rationality of the logistics center location largely determines its operating efficiency. Reasonable location scheme is a basic guarantee of logistics center’s logistics management and service management efficiency of enterprises, to a large extent,  it’s able to reduce the transportation cost which is used on the service by logistics enterprises. Moreover, reasonable logistics center location scheme can meet the demand of cohesive regional freight services internal and external better. So, the reasonable location of the logistics center is very important, and it has a crucial influence on the quality of services and the operation efficiency in the future.
KeyWords:Grain Logistics;Logistics Center;Location
目  录
引 言    1
一、  粮食物流中心选址概述    1
(一) 粮食物流中心选址的基本理论    1
1、 粮食物流中心    1
2、 粮食物流中心选址    3
3、 物流中心选址的重要性    3
(二) 物流中心选址规则    3
1、 选址步骤    3
2、 选址原则    5
3、 选址影响因素    5
(四) 国内外物流中心选址研究现状    7
二、  纳溪区粮食物流的发展现状及问题    9
(一)发展现状    9
1、 粮食产销情况    9
2、 粮食收购情况    9
3、 粮食物流情况    10
4、粮食物流运输规模及主要运输方式    10
5、 粮食物流上、下游对接情况    11
(二)问题分析    11
1、粮食物流观念陈旧    11
2、粮食物流基础设施水平落后    11 纳溪区粮食物流中心选址研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_38159.html