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时间:2019-08-18 16:54来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:房地产 服务业 报酬 工作绩效
Employee compensation and performance research in real estate services
Abstract: With the rapid development of economy, service industry is more and more highlights its importance in the national economy, and the prosperity of the real estate market, real estate services industry competition is increasingly fierce. Real estate services employees compensation system is relatively single, already can not adapt to the increasingly fierce talent competition, so the real estate services existing employee compensation system should be reformed. In the fierce competition, the employee's performance is closely related to the core competence of the organization, which is also an important goal of the organization. Research shows that job satisfaction directly affects job performance, while employee compensation structures affect employee performance. Form based on the empirical analysis of real estate industry to study the relationship between compensation and work performance, understand the elements such as employee remuneration package and benefits, employee satisfaction, training, education and development space for the influence of the employee's actual work performance. Based on this, the paper puts forward some Suggestions on how to optimize the employee compensation system in China.
Key words: real estate; services sector; reward; job performance; 
目  录

摘要:    1
关键词:    1
Abstract:    1
Key words:    1
一、绪论    2
(一)写作背景    2
(二)写作意义    3
二、相关文献综述    4
(一)员工报酬综述    4
1.员工报酬的基本概念    4
2.员工报酬的功能    4
(二)工作绩效综述    5
三 、房地产服务业员工报酬与工作绩效分析    6
(一) 房地产薪酬构成简介    6
1. 房地产行业薪酬整体概况    6
2. 房地产服务行业员工报酬整体概况    6
3. 房地产员工报酬功能存在的问题分析    6
4. 房地产员工报酬体系存在的问题分析    7
(二)员工报酬与工绩效的实证分析    8
1.模型的建立    8
2.多重共线性检验    8
3.异方差检验    8
4.回归分析    9
四、房地产服务业员工工作绩效体系完善建议    11
(一)从员工未来发展与提升角度    11
1. 注重绩效公平    11
2. 体现岗位价值    11
3.建立系统完善的员工培训体制    11
4. 健全福利体系    11 房地产服务业员工报酬与工作绩效研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_37856.html