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时间:2019-01-10 12:14来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键字:土地利用  格局分析  遥感  GIS  泰州市
Abstract:Changes in land-use of great significance to maintain its economic and social development of the surrounding environment. Taking Taizhou State as the research object and collecting this area’s land-use data in 2003 and 2014 four Landsat series of remote sensing images as a data source , the land-use of Taizhou State respectively extracted classification and thematic information. First, land-use of Taizhou State, remote sensing images acquired with two different years ERDAS image pre-processing , and then use supervised classification methods to achieve the land-use of Taizhou State, classification , and finally the use of the transfer matrix method for extracting the land-use of Taizhou State thematic information . On this basis ARCGIS10.3 use of spatial overlay analysis and calculations and statistical analysis of qualitative analysis , TaiZhou, the land-use of different types of changes in the distribution and spatial pattern characteristics. Studies have shown that human activity changes have a significant impact on the land-use of Taizhou State between the last 10 years ( 2003-2014 ) .the style of land-use development direction for the overall performance of the transfer to construction land dominated farmland trends , mainly in this area  farmland continued to decrease , construction land eroded original type of land and woodland decreases speedily. Lead to changes in the appeal is primarily due to the rapid development of Taizhou State, frequent human activity
.Keywords:land-use; pattern-analysis; remote sensing; GIS; Taizhou State
1.引言    2
1.1区域概况    2
1.2研究目的    2
1.3数据来源与研究方法    3
1.3.1数据来源与预处理    3
1.3.2研究方法    5
1.4研究路径    7
2.结果分析    9
2.1土地利用现状分析    9
2.2土地利用类型时空变化分析    10
3.结论与建议    11
4.不足与展望    12
泰州市位于江苏中部地区长江北岸,位于北纬32°01′57″~33°10′59″,东经119°38′24″~120°32′20″。处于我国东部城乡聚落高度密集和农业极其发达的长江三角洲北部,泰州市西南与镇江、常州、无锡苏州四市隔江相望,东部临近南通,西部接壤扬州,东北部、北部与盐城、淮安毗邻,是苏中地区入江达海5条航道的交汇点,是沿海与长江“T”型产业带的结合地带,该地区也是我国城市化水平最高,发展速度最快的区域之一,泰州下辖靖江、泰兴、兴化三个县级市以及高港、海陵、姜堰三个地级区。面积5790km2,居民人口460万人。泰州市自20世纪90年代建市以来,经济每年以高于10%的速度递增,所辖市(区)有5个进入全国综合实力百强县(市、区)行列。经过长期的发展壮大过程中,在经济上取得了巨大成就的同时,土地利用格局也随之发生了很大的变化。经济的繁荣、人口的增加、城市的扩张等人为活动,都对土地利用产生了重大的影响。泰州市近10年来的土地利用变化情况,不仅能够反映其在经济社会建设上的已有成就,通过对其土地利用变化情况的分析还可以预测未来的泰州市土地格局走势。 ARCGIS泰州市土地利用格局分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_29166.html