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时间:2019-01-10 12:09来源:毕业论文

The gradual evolution of rapid tendency of urbanization has brought a series of problems which could not be neglected,for example, the problems like :the low usage rate of land, serious damages upon the agricultural land, no security for the agricultural land and rapid deterioration of soil and ecological environment.Moreover,the imperfection of compensation system for land expropriation contributes to the uneven distribution of the profits,thus, the profits and rights of the peasants have been seriously damaged, with the enlargement upon the urban-rural gap,obvious developmental polarization,which are not beneficial to the urban-rural overall planned development.This paper’s research starts from the key issue in which the current usage condition is investigated and the area of the map signs of land type of the total land utilization project is counted.The process and methods for thematic maps making of signs of land type by ArcGIS have been interpreted in details, based on the space data and statistic data gained from the database of Jurong city Bureau of Land and Resources,and the data of the analysis is focused upon Xiasu county,Jurong city, Jiangsu province.And some problems and solutions will be raised in the map making.Current land utilization maps have been easily and fast made due to the great graphic and data processing ability of ArcGIS, and some graphic edition and analysis are made in order to offer strategic basis for the land intensive utilization and development.
Keywords: Land management,ARCGIS,the town of xiashu, present landuse map
1绪论    1
1.1选题背景及意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.3研究目的和内容    2
2研究区域及数据源    2
2.1研究区概况    2
2.2数据源    2
3研究结果与分析    2
3.1 ARCGIS的符号化系统    2
3.2 ARCGIS的分析、统计功能    2
3.3 ARCGIS的图形编辑功能    2
4结论及展望    2
4.1结论    2
4.2存在的问题及展望    2
参考文献    2
如今社会,土地一直在我们的生活中扮演重要的角色,一方面大量的农田供养着我们的衣食,建设用地和房地产业给我们带来了便利的交通和舒适的生活环境,这些都离不开土地,而土地管理则显得尤为不可或缺。而如何合理使用土地资源是我们一直都在进行的课题,人地关系的和谐取决于我们利用科学的方法和工具去分析土地对我们的作用,为了在土地调查工作中更好的利用每块土地,则需要弄清楚每块土地的地类划分,位置,面积分布等一些具体特征,为了农、林、牧、工、渔业综合发展的需要,合理组织土地利用,不断改善土地生态环境,提高土地生产率,使有限的土地资源更好地为社会主义现代化事业服务。 ARCGIS在土地管理中的应用:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_29162.html