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时间:2019-01-10 11:56来源:毕业论文

Study on the development model of tourism industry in Liyang
Abstract: This paper refer to the development mode of domestic and foreign tourism books, periodicals, in the development of "tourism pattern" is a systematic understanding, and in the history and current situation of the development of tourism resources and tourism industry in Liyang understanding, SWOT analysis of the development of the tourism industry in Liyang. At the conclusion of the Liyang tourism industry problems and the competitive advantage of their own, with the results of the analysis to suit one's measures to local conditions for Liyang's Tourism Development Research on four kinds of development models conducive to its development: development pattern of vacation tourism, rural tourism development pattern, tea culture tourism development model, sightseeing development model. Then, put forward relevant countermeasures for the improvement of Liyang tourism development model.
Key words: Analysis of tourism mode  SWOT  Liyang
1研究区概况    1
2溧阳旅游业的SWOT分析    1
2.1优势(STRENGTHS)    1
2.1.1资源丰富价值较高    1
2.1.2区位交通便捷    2
2.1.3基础设施完善    3
2.1.4旅游设施健全    3
2.1.5品牌优势显著    3
2.2劣势(WEAKNESSES)    3
2.2.1景点票价偏高    3
2.2.2景区过度商业化    3
2.2.3周边配套设施缺乏统一监管    3
2.3.1政府对旅游业的大力支持    3
2.3.2宁杭高铁的修建凸显交通优势    4
2.4挑战(THREATS)    5
2.4.1环境污染严重    5
2.4.2周边景区带来竞争压力    5
3溧阳市旅游业的发展模式    6
3.1度假旅游模式    6
3.2乡村旅游模式    6
3.3茶文化旅游模式    7
3.4观光旅游模式    8
4完善溧阳旅游业发展模式的对策    8
4.1开发特色旅游线路,打造旅游品牌    8
4.2 挖掘文化资源,拓展特色旅游项目    8
4.3加强度假区管理,提高度假体验    9
4.4加大“茶文化”宣传力度,促进茶叶市场营销    9
4.5保护城市特色景观,盘活现存观光资源    9
参考文献    10
溧阳隶属于江苏常州,地处长江三角洲,位于江苏省西南角。溧阳整体地势较低,以平原和低山丘陵为主,地势中间及东部地平,南北及西部地山丘陵区地势较陡。溧阳纬度较低,亚热带地区,雨热同期,气候温湿,降水丰富,多年平均降水量在1100毫米以上[1]。区内河流密布,水系发达,区内河流径流量较大,中上游植被覆盖率高,河流水含沙量小,几乎全年无结冰期。 溧阳旅游业发展模式研究+SWOT分析:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_29155.html