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时间:2018-10-23 20:17来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:新型农村合作医疗政策  执行情况  现状分析  问题  建议
Study On the Implementation of the New Rural Cooperation Medical Policy– in Shanxi Province sy County as an Example
Abstract:New rural cooperation medical policy is for effective solution "three agricultural problem", for farmers provides basic medical service, Central, and State introduced of improve farmers health level of policy system, in by survey to implementation of 13 years in the, the County through developed variety conducive to farmers of system and provides, implementation in the take has variety convenience measures, farmers in is big degree Shang enjoy to has policy of offers. Paper through on the County new rural cooperation medical policy implementation situation in the of matters: participating situation, and funding way, and compensation project, and management mechanism, and benefit situation of understand and implementation situation questionnaire survey, application statistics analysis and multiple logistic model analysis, mutual support, discussion currently County new rural cooperation medical policy implementation in the exists of problem, from farmers concept, and Government behavior, and medical institutions function, dimension degrees for research, and proposed himself some superficial of recommends.
Key words: New rural cooperation medical policy     execution status quo                  analysis of the situation     issue     advice
Key words1
一、新型农村合作医疗政策情况概述    2
(一)新型农村合作医疗政策简介    2
(二)新型农村合作医疗政策执行情况    2
1.参合情况    2
2.筹资方式    3
3.补偿项目及标准    3
4.管理机制    4
5.受益情况    4
二、新型农村合作医疗政策执行过程分析    5
(一)统计分析    5
1.农民理念    5
2.政府行为    6
3.医疗机构功能    8
4.政策透明度    9
(二)多元LOGISTIC模型分析    10
1.政策信息对农民是否感到方便的影响    10
2.政府行为对农民是否感到方便的影响    12
3.医疗机构行为对农民是否感到方便的影响    13
4.政策透明度对农民是否感到方便的影响    14
三、新型农村合作医疗政策执行中存在的问题    14
(一)农民自身存在的问题    14
1.农民习性观念    14
2.农民认识水平    15
(二)政府运作存在的问题    15 山西省新型农村合作医疗政策执行情况研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_24816.html