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时间:2018-06-24 10:14来源:毕业论文

Problems and Countermeasures of Salary Management in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Abstract: With the development of our national economy, SMEs have become an important part of China's economy and great driving force. However, we are soberly aware, small and medium-sized enterprises in human resources management, especially the salary management, there are many deficiencies. In this paper, the problem of compensation management of middle and small sized enterprises to carry out a profound reflection, it is pointed out that the main reason of compensation management problems hindering the development of small and medium enterprises is the backward concept of compensation, compensation mechanism is not perfect, the compensation structure unilaterally and blindly follow the trend, as not suitable for the status of enterprise salary model these aspects. This article on the above several aspects of the detailed analysis, and gives the solution to pay these small and medium-sized enterprises and corresponding suggestions.
Key Word:  Human resoures;Human capital;Compensation management
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、薪酬管理的基本理论解析    2
(一)薪酬的含义和内容    2
(二)薪酬管理的含义和内容    2
(三)薪酬管理的影响因素    2
(四)薪酬管理的重要性    3
二、中小企业薪酬管理中存在的问题    3
(一)薪酬观念落后    3
(二)薪酬机制不合理    4
(三)薪酬结构不科学    5
(四)盲目套用和追求先进的、新式的薪酬模式    6
三、中小企业薪酬管理存在问题产生的原因    6
(一)家族式管理    6
(二)现代薪酬管理理念、技术方法的把握相对滞后    6
(三)薪酬激励机制中的资源相对匮乏    7
四、中小企业薪酬管理问题的对策    7
(一)转变薪酬理念,打造薪酬战略    7
(二)建立起完整、有效与可执行的薪酬制度    8
(三)多角度、多层次的设置与完善薪酬结构    8
(四)选择适合企业自身的薪酬模式    9
参考文献    11
致谢    12
    随着中国加入WTO,大量外国企业迅速入驻中国市场,面对新一轮的人才竞争,如何吸引、留住人才,保持企业在国际市场上的竞争力,成为当前企业重中之重。因此,建立合理的薪酬管理制度是每个企业迫切需要解决的问题。薪酬管理作为人力资源管理乃至整个企业管理核心内容之一,在企业现代化体制建设中有着尤其重要的地位。合理且有效的薪酬制度能激发员工的主动性与积极性,促使员工努力实现企业目标,提高企业效益,保证企业的可持续发展。  中小企业薪酬管理中存在的问题及对策:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_18287.html