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时间:2018-06-12 14:51来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 青少年; 亲子冲突; 家庭治疗; 社会工作
Study of family intervention in parent-child conflict problem of adolescent
Abstract:In recent years, many media reported of malignant conflict incidents between parents and adolescents after 1990, That caused widespread concern in the community. Parent-child conflicts not only lead to the tension in parent-child relationship, but also have a bad effect on young people's growth and development, so lead to adolescents’ psychological and behavioral problems, which is very important in the process of human socialization, as for it has decisive influence on adolescents’ emotion, behavior and cognition. Therefore, taking research on adolescent parent-child conflict and family intervention on the topic is very necessary. The paper is based on the family social work science perspective, using structural family therapy mode, through the case study, intervene in a case of parent adolescent conflicts and mak a evaluation on intervention effect. This paper proposed remedial measures of parent-child education from the three aspects of family, school and community .The purpose of this study was to improve the bad family structure and system, and provide some perspective and experience of promoting interaction between family members and forming a good parent-child relationship.
KeyWords: Adolescent; parent-child conflict; family therapy; social work
引言    1
一、文献综述与研究构思    2
(一)文献综述    2
1、亲子冲突相关内容概述    2
2、结构式家庭治疗模式内容概述    3
(二)研究构思    5
1、研究目标与方案    5
2、研究方法    6
二、一例亲子冲突个案的家庭干预分析    6
(一)个案基本情况概述    6
1、家庭基本资料    6
2、家庭表现症状    7
(二)个案的家庭干预过程    7
1、个案分析    7
2、个案指导次数、频率、每次时长    8
3、个案指导过程与分析    8
(三)个案治疗的效果评估    12
1、小阳自我评估的结果    12
2、社会观察的评估结果    13
3、小阳父母评估的结果    13
三、 青少年亲子教育辅导对策    13
(一)家庭干预    13
(二)学校干预    14
(三)社区管理    14
四、结论与建议    15
(一)结论    15
(二)建议    15
参考文献    17
致  谢    18
附录:访谈提纲    19
引 言
我们尾随时间的脚步踏入二十一世纪,在经历着信息革命洗礼的同时,也体验着这个日新月异的时代带给我们丰厚的物质享受。随着这些奢靡生活不断的冲击,人们的精神需求正在分崩离析。父母与孩子是构成一个家庭亲子体系的基础,随着社会的变迁这种体系正在逐渐变得弱化,核心家庭数量越来越多,独生子女占据了家庭的核心地位,父母都围绕着孩子转,有些父母甚至以重物质轻精神的方式来教育自己的子女,青少年的健康成长面临许多挑战。近年来,频频有青少年通过离家出走、跳楼、自残等方式来抵抗父母的管制,家暴的频繁发生也再次引起全社会对如何处理亲子关系和亲子冲突的争议。 青少年亲子冲突问题的家庭干预研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_17480.html