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时间:2018-06-08 19:04来源:毕业论文

摘要 在2010年世博会在中国成功举办之后,会展业迅速得发展使得整个产业日益步入了高峰,而在高峰的背后,我们是否思考过,多而杂的会展业面临转型时期,真正应该转变的是什么?对于这样一个热门的营销方式,参展企业的需求为何?主办方又该从什么角度来帮助参展企业达到他们的预期目标和期望?会展作为比传统营销更具有互动性的营销平台,能为企业带来的价值显然是参展企业和主办方所需要研究的课题。而只有理清了这些问题,在之后办展和参展的过程中,才能够将参展的作用价值发挥到最大。23957
The Analysis of Marketing Roles played by Technology Exhibitions for Corporations
After the success of the World Expo 2010 in China, the MICE industry was developing so rapidly that the whole industry reaches the peak. However, behind its peak, have we ever thought about what should be really changed facing the complex exhibition industry during the transformation period? For such a popular way of marketing, what is the demand of exhibitors? From what angle should the organizers help exhibitors achieve their expected goals and expectations? Exhibition, as a more interactive marketing platform than that of any traditional marketing that can bring value to the enterprise, is clearly the research topic that exhibitors and organizers need to study. Only by sorting out these issues will the exhibitors be able to realize the maximum value of the exhibition in their later exhibitions.
Key Words:
The meaning of participating events; Marketing platform;Needs of corporations;Communication and interaction
目 录
摘要    1
一、概述    1
(一)研究背景    1
1、核心概念    1
2、会展的现状和所面临的问题    1
(二)研究意义    3
(三)研究现状和发展趋势    3
1、国外研究    3
2、国内研究    4
二、科技会展对企业营销的作用分析调查    5
(一)调查方法    5
(二)分析报告    8
三、结论与建议    12
(一)主要结论    12
(二)对策与建议    13
1、从参展企业角度    13
2、从主办方的角度    15
(三)展望    17
致谢    18
参考文献    19
附录:调查问卷表    20
附录    20
会展,指的是会议和展览。广义的会展:包括会议(meetings and conferencing)、奖励旅游(incentives)、展览(exhibitions)与活动(events)的产业。  本论文后面指的会展主要是就是指会展承办方组织参展企业,在特定时间、特定地点,将其产品或服务进行展示,吸引专业观众进行交流和洽谈,以达到销售、宣传其产品或服务的目的。参展企业,又名参展商,是指会展期间利用固定的展出面积与其潜在客户进行直接信息交流的组织、机构或个人,是展会运作的主体之一。会展营销, 指的是会展组织者对其所办的展会进行的一系列的营销活动。会展主要涉及四大主体:
(3)参展企业:企业利用展会这一热门的营销手段,实现产品销量的增加、品牌形象的提升、建立健全自身的营销网络、增强与潜在客户的合作关系等; 科技会展对企业营销的作用分析+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_17240.html